Saturday, August 14, 2010


It would perhaps be unreasonable to expect the notorious Windfarm Working Party (not much of a 'party', hardly 'working', knows nothing about windfarms) to hand over a copy of the brief issued to their solicitor at Parkinson Wright. It would be unreasonable because the brief would almost certainly give the lie to the WWP's much-vaunted impartiality and independence. The WWP was set up by the fanatics of Church Lench's 'single-issue' parish council, and its supposed task was to gather and share information about windfarms. As was noted in one of their meetings (April '09), 'The Council have far more integrity than an action group.'

In other words, VVASP lack the integrity that the parish councillors of Church Lench (those who were parachuted in after Stroud's mongrels had seen off the original PC) seem to think that they possess.

But the Windfarm Worriers Club made a fatal error in July 2009 when 'it was agreed that Parish Councils should not be involved with releasing information/educating the community on the subject of wind farms, this should be left to VVASP.'

Which is a little like saying, it's not for the representatives of local democracy to inform or educate the public about race relationships, that should be left to the BNP.

VVASP - educating the community? Did they really, really, honestly, truthfully believe that? VVASP have failed at every turn to educate the community, except in the dark arts of propaganda and protest.

No, VVASP have lied repeatedly. They have lied even when the independent Advertising Standards Authority told them to stop it.

They tell lies because they don't know what else to do. Some of them, you can tell, are born liars. Stroud's lanky henchman would appear to fit into that category - he certainly has a very fuzzy notion of what is his and what is everybody else's. And he likes bullying people. The VVASP's head honcho, by way of contrast, just likes to feel that the entire village agrees with him and does exactly what he says - which is megalomania with a distinct whiff of paranoia. Dr Stroud has proven that he will say whatever he wants to say, regardless of morality, veracity or common sense, if it gets him just an inch or so closer to achieving his objectives. He is absolutely without scruple.

So, a little over a year ago the parish councils gave up on any thoughts about disseminating useful information to their rattled and unnerved parishioners, prefering that VVASP carry on distributing its sick and misleading nonsense.

Astonishingly, back in June of last year (2009) the desperados of VVASP were claiming that they needed 'funding of £100,000 and above for their campaigns'. Now, that just shows how crazy these people are. In order to try and stop something that is GOOD, HARMLESS, BENEFICIAL, ATTRACTIVE, INSPIRING and part of our transition to the 21st century, a handful of weirdos, bozos, whackos and psychos were looking to raise £100,000 for their nefarious plans.

No wonder they were so keen to ponce a few quid of each of the parish councils!! What on earth were they expecting to do with £100,000?

Probably pay for a lawyer - so that the public purse would have to pay at least as much again. Amazing how much of your money the self-centred and demented loons of VVASP are willing to waste, isn't it?

Some of that has of course already been wasted on phoney noise monitoring surveys (the implication being that ScottishPower Renewables and its professional consultants can't be trusted - yep, that's paranoid) and a bodged series of "objections" to the planning application cobbled together by a solicitor (the implication being that we all wanted our representatives to scrabble around looking for absurd objections to a very good scheme, like the deluded Fladbury bunch who thought that the discovery of a bat in the area marked out for the windfarm might be a 'show-stopper').

And, of course, when we finally get to find out precisely what the loopy nimbies of Church Lench and their fake 'Windfarm Working Party' did tell the solicitor to do (no prizes for guessing just how 'impartial' they were trying to be) we will see that OUR money has been frittered away by a bunch of self-important jackasses who simply don't want what's best for all of us.

But hey, at least we're beginning to find out how the meddlers and wheeler-dealers were spending their time while pretending to be impartiality gathering and sharing information. They were soaking up any old BS that Stroud and his companion ('Jaws') wanted to tell them.


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