Thursday, April 22, 2010


It would be so nice if the debate about Lenchwick Windfarm - and others like it - could be conducted on a rational basis. In other words, a cool-headed discussion involving logic, science, common sense, valid evidence and an objective weighing-up of the case.

But it can't. And the reason for this is very simple.

It doesn't matter how much evidence, science, genuine fact, common sense and awareness of practical necessities are advanced by supporters of renewables and wind power in particular. The opponents aren't interested in evidence, science, genuine fact, common sense or awareness of practical necessities. Their stance is a purely emotional one.

Now, we've all been in situations where we're trying to argue sensibly, on a rational basis, with someone who's incapable of doing so because their responses are purely emotional. It doesn't work, does it?

Same with VVASP. Every single bit of genuine, reliable evidence that is produced to disprove their silly suspicions just leads to louder and louder shouting on their part and even sillier claims made about the lurking dangers of windfarms.

They CLAIM to be interested in the science. And this is where the real fraud creeps in. VVASP established itself in order to protect - what, half a dozen people? - from having to see a windfarm from time to time. No end of junk science, fake science, false science and phoney evidence was produced by these selfish people in order to scare others into supporting them.

The operative word there is 'scare'. They're playing on people's emotions. Telling them lies, in other words, in order to secure a misguided consensus.

Those who have coordinated this perverse and wicked campaign will one day have to account for what they have done. Till then, though, those of us who are concerned about the environment, the future, energy costs and shortages and all those things which are genuinely important are faced by screaming hordes of loonies who don't know what they're on about but have been brainwashed by some colossally irresponsible and selfish individuals into opposing something that is a) harmless and b) vital.

Science can only suffer when the arguments employed against it are so disingenuous and emotional. Like the anti-evolution movement in the States, a few crazies reckon they can demolish the evidence simply by making up silly stories and being very noisy. In reality, they're simply being emotional, and they are in no position to advance a serious, sensible argument against the forces of reason.

But that's just the point. The windfarm debate owes little or nothing to reason. The antis make guesses (e.g., no one is going to want to buy a house near a windfarm - they're assuming that absolutely everybody thinks the same way they do, which, thank God, they don't) and then blow those up into so-called 'Facts'. You then point out the real facts to them and they go bonkers. They shriek their fake 'Facts' even louder.

Remember: you're not dealing with rational, level-headed individuals here. You're dealing with an irrational mob, pumped up on dishonest propaganda.

What a shame VVASP had to take such a disgraceful, shameful, idiotic course.

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