Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Hello, folks!

Yes, still here. Okay, so it's been a bit quiet lately. Very little to report. A few grunts and gurgles from the nookies, a couple of very silly letters in the local press ... not much more than that, really.

Well, the Monster Raving Nimbies did announce that their new local MP is thoroughly on their side. But, as several people pointed out to us, MPs tend to hear only from noisy nimbies while right-thinking people don't bother them very much. So, letting Jacqui Smith know what VVASP and their evil campaign are really like should make her think again (thanks, those who took the trouble).

Otherwise, what? Well, Vale Villains Against Sustainability and Prudence continue to expect other people to pay for their dishonest campaign. Events take place in local villages and only occasionally do VVASP have the decency to admit that these are political fundraisers - actually, not that, even - these are designed to raise money so that a handful of people get their way and everybody else loses out.

In a civilised society, such behaviour - tricking other people into paying for a dirty, dishonest and utterly discredited campaign of selfishness and stupidity - would be frowned upon. But VVASP is, of course, a movement of the English middle class, so it doesn't matter how many laws get broken or bent.

Ultimately, though, the reason that things have been a bit quiet lately is because, well, really, it's all over. The debate has moved on.

Last year, a wind turbine factory in Britain closed - big news, at the time. This year, several new wind turbine factories have been promised.

Recently, a swathe of wind farm planning applications have been approved (e.g., Northumberland, Lincolnshire) and areas previously opposed to the very idea of wind turbines (e.g. the Lake District) have announced that they're revising their policy.

What's happened is that the momentum is now moving in favour of wind energy. Up until very recently, the red-faced, swivel-eyed nimbies sort of had the initiative. Not any more. Their lies have been exposed. Reality has dawned. Groups like VVASP have been left behind, barking and bleating pointlessly about their outdated nonsense.

Even locally, the planning committee of Wychavon District Council has a bigger headache to worry about than the nasty nimbies of Crass Lench, Fraud Lench and Liars' Lench. An industrial incinerator is planned for an industrial estate at Hartlebury. Of course, the local loons, VVASP-like, are jumping up and down and screaming blue murder. To the councillors, who have to deal with this sort of silliness all the time, Hartlebury is a nightmare. Lenchwick Windfarm is not a big deal in comparison.

So, where does this leave us? Naturally, although they've cosied up to Jacqui Smith, lying to her about their motives as much as they've lied to everybody else, VVASP will be hoping for a Tory victory. But, even if Cameron won a working majority, only a fool would imagine that a sustainable energy policy would be stopped in its tracks because a few selfish idiots don't want to see a windfarm nearby.

The tide has turned. VVASP has lost the argument. It's all over, folks.

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