Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Anyone who saw 'The Age of Stupid' on BBC4 last night might have had a rather spooky experience.

Yes, it's a remarkable film. Shocking, deeply worrying and only a determined climate change denier could fail to have been impressed by it. If you haven't seen it, please do. Climate change isn't a maybe. It's happening. And the consequences for us all, if we don't get a grip, could be truly terrible - and soon!

But one thing that really hit home was how ALL NIMBY GROUPS ARE THE SAME!!!

If you saw it, you'll have seen a group of middle class yahoos objecting to a windfarm in Bedfordshire. They told lies about it. They said some really stupid things about it. They even flew a blimp!! So maybe 'The Age of Stupid' is required viewing for VVASP. It does seem to be where they got some of their dafter ideas from.

But that side of the film was really depressing. The liars - just like our own homeground bunch - kept repeating the nimby mantra:

"We're all in favour of renewables - but only appropriate ones!"

The leading figure, a rather terrifying female, was questioned after the council met to consider the application. Oh, yes, we're all trying to do our bit for climate change, she simpered. I mean, everybody's got to, haven't they?


The film also showed how nasty such nimbies can be - but then, we already know that, don't we? Because once the VVASP ringleaders had spread enough ridiculous lies about the place, a number of locals really did go off the deep end, creating an atmosphere of fear and bullying.

VVASP likes to pretend that it's 'Pro-Renewables' (yep, just like in the film). But it's so 'Pro-Renewables' that it's now urging its members to oppose somebody else's windfarm. It's not just their own local area they seem to think is 'inappropriate' for a windfarm (a bizarre notion), they're also campaigning against a windfarm somewhere else. Presumably, this is on the 'you-scratch-my-back, I'll-scratch-yours' principle.

So, please, please, please, follow the link below and register your support for the Strensham windfarm planning application.

We cannot let a few liars and bullies dictate our energy policy.

We cannot let short-term self-interest determine long-term results.

We cannot afford to prevent windfarms. The government has plans for another 10,000 turbines nationally by 2020. By then, the UK will need to have cut carbon emissions by 43% - which will only be possible if the disgusting nimby groups which spring up everywhere a windfarm is proposed are ignored and overcome.

In the long term, VVASP won't win - simply because absolutely no one will win, unless sensible, progressive policies are adopted and windfarms get the go ahead.

Please follow the link below and say YES to Strensham:


Remember: it's not just the nutters who have an opinion. Those who care do, too.

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