Sunday, December 20, 2009


At some point in the next few months, Wychavon District Council will be receiving a formal planning application from ScottishPower Renewables for a five-turbine windfarm near Lenchwick in Worcestershire.

As it stands, the prospect is looking extremely good for supporters of the Lenchwick Windfarm.

For a start, there is nothing in the planning guidelines which currently constitutes a reason to turn down the application.

Wychavon DC has signed up to the Nottingham declaration, so it will be looking to fulfil its environmental commitments.

More to the point, the council knows that it will need GENUINE grounds to oppose the planning application if it is to avoid a terrifically expensive appeal.

If the Wychavon councillors were to turn down SPR's planning application on spurious or dodgy grounds (such as those advanced by VVASP), then it would most likely face an appeal from ScottishPower Renewables. This would cost tens of thousands of pounds of tax-payers' money.

On the other hand, if the council members approve the planning application - and there isn't really a valid reason not to - then the nimbies can appeal. BUT that would require a judicial review, which it is in the gift of the Home Secretary to approve.

Now, let's get real for a moment. Is the Home Secretary likely to approve a judicial review, just to please a bunch of barking nimbies who find it extremely difficult to be honest? Is the British Government likely to allow unnecessary delays to a necessary development?


So, here's the summary. The planning guidelines offer no prima facie reason to turn down the windfarm application. If Wychavon councillors do, they will be putting a huge amount of tax-payers' money at risk for no good reason.

If they approve the application, and the nasty nimbies of VVASP insist on challenging it, the Home Secretary will have to decide whether to allow a judicial review. Which is very, very unlikely.

The chances are, then, that SPR's planning application will be approved. The wind turbines will go up. And all the lies told about them by self-interested nimbies will turn out to be ... well, lies.

Game, set and match to common sense and the needs of the planet.

Meanwhile, in another blow to the nimby nonsense-mongers, a new study has concluded that windfarms do not create adverse health effects.

Published jointly by the American and Canadian Wind Energy Associations, and based on the findings of a panel of seven experts from the U.S., Canada, Denmark and the U.K. - experts in the fields of medicine, audiology, acoustics and environmental and public health - the report's executive summary indicates that:-

* There is no evidence that the audible and sub-audible sounds emitted by wind turbines have any direct adverse physiological effects

* The ground-borne vibrations from wind turbines are too weak to be detected by, or to affect, humans

* The sounds emitted by wind turbines are not unique. There is no reason to believe, based on the levels of and frequencies of the sounds and the panel's experience with sound exposures in occupational settings, that the sounds from wind turbines could plausibly have direct adverse health consequences.

It remains to be seen whether VVASP will take heed of the science for once.

Oh - and yet another study has concluded that windfarms have no measurable effect on house prices.

Merry Christmas, one and all!!!

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