Friday, March 23, 2012


Once again, our British nimbies are proving that they are all cut from the same nasty cloth.

Proposals for a four-turbine windfarm a kilometre from the village of Stoke Hammond have been submitted to Aylesbury Vale District Council. The site is known as Dorcas Lane.

So, what have the local loons of the Stop Dorcas Lane Turbines nimby group done about it?

Well, same old, same old. The usual lies - about windfarm noise, for example, and the alleged - but now completely discredited - negative effects on health. They've even trotted out the old myths about windfarms and property prices, daring to quote the RICS-sponsored report which found no connection between windfarm proximity and house prices. But, oh no, the nasty nimby idiots fell into the old VVASP trap of quoting part of a sentence from that report which gives the misleading impression that the report concluded otherwise.

In fact, their website is a carbon copy job of old nimby myths from a few years ago - all the ridiculous, nonsensical claims which have been rubbished by the independent Advertising Standards Authority, amongst others, on the grounds that they are manifestly untrue. So, we come across tired old (i.e. lazy) references to the useless studies carried out by Dr Nina Pierpoint (married to an anti-wind power lobbyist) and Dr Christopher Hanning (who was fighting a windfarm proposal at the time), and no reference whatsoever to the wealth of properly scientific, peer-reviewed evidence which has since been published and which proves just how wildly unscientific and grossly misleading the "reports" of Pierpoint and Hanning are!

Equally brainless and predictable, they cite Jane and Julian Davis. Maybe it's time Stop Dorcas Lane Turbines updated their website to reflect the latest developments in that deeply suspect case.

Anyway. Okay, so their website is a pack of lies. What else?

Well, they flew a blimp. Good golly gosh, where on earth did they get an idea like that???? Oh, yes - every mind-bogglingly unimaginative nimby group does the same thing in order to show people exactly what a windfarm doesn't look like. Many groups deliberately fly their stupid blimps in places where the turbines wll not be standing, in order to create a false impression. Besides which, these blimps are effectively the opposite of what a wind turbine looks like. Their boringly repetitive use by nimby groups is essential proof of how dishonest those groups are. Blimps and windfarms look nothing like each other. Nothing at all.

Fine. So Stop Dorcas Lane Turbines have spread the usual plethora of lies, false and selective information in order to whip up hysteria based an a total misunderstanding of what windfarms are, and they've flown their idiotic blimp. What next?

Well, the obvious, sadly. They're attacking anyone who expresses support for the windfarm. It's the usual nimby bullying - hectoring, harrassing, intimidating, shouting, browbeating and lying - all in order to maintain the falsehood that nobody is in favour of the windfarm.

Anyone who is in favour is instantly accused of working either for the developer, Force 9, or the pro-wind advocacy organisation Yes 2 Wind. Again, how tiresomely predictable. Every rat-faced, brain-dead nimby in the country likes to pretend that only those who work in or for the wind industry are supporters of wind energy. Presumably, the nasty nimby idiots don't believe in opinion polls (apart, that is, from those whose results they shamelessly manipulate in order to create the misleading impression that they are in the majority).

But the attacks have now got personal and predictably nasty. It's the same old story. No one is allowed to express an opinion unless it's the nimby opinion (which itself is based on ignorance, prejudice and a willingness to believe any old codswallop as long as it's anti-wind). We saw it in the Lenches, when VVASP bullied and intimidated anyone who had found out the truth about windfarms or just didn't agree with their "rabid" behaviour and imposition of "mob-rule". And now, the evil dunces of Stop Dorcas Lane Turbines are doing the same thing: bullying and harrassing anyone with a heart, a brain, a soul and a conscience.

This is what happens when you base your campaign entirely on lies.

Of course, like all nimbies, they try to pose as poor downtrodden church mice being "threatened" by some giant corporation. They claim to be all in favour of renewables (yeah, sure, where have we heard that one before?) but can't understand why the turbines have to be built "so close" to people's homes (i.e. a kilometre or so away from the nearest - so no likelihood of noise or even the dreaded "infrasound" that the nimbies want to believe in).

It's a bit like saying that you're all in favour of street lighting, but not within two kilometres of where anybody lives. It's an insane, unrealistic and thoroughly devious argument - a tactic favoured by the fundamentalist Christian Right in America: first pretend to be only being reasonable, and then propose something that is so blisteringly stupid it could never work.

As usual, Aylesbury Vale is quite simply more beautiful and "unspoilt" than anywhere else, and so its inhabitants shouldn't be required to do their bit to help combat climate change. No. Even though it will do them no harm and - as evidence from all around the UK has shown - benefit the community, the region, the nation and, of course, the planet. No. These people think they're special and are consequently absolved of all responsibilities, including those involving good neighbourliness, common decency and plain old-fashioned honesty.

The crazed frauds of Stop Dorcas Lane Turbines are, then, simply doing what every single nimby group in the country does. Telling lies, misleading themselves and others, stomping squarely on the face of local democracy, denying others their opinions and clamping down hard on anyone who believes in science, free speech and clean technology.

Once again, the nimbies themselves have given the lie to the vicious slur made against this blog on the Green Building Forum by a deluded anti-wind activist a short while ago.

If anyone can find and provide us with a proven example of pro-wind campaigners or windfarm developers spreading out-dated scare stories and bullying and threatening anyone who disagrees with them, we'd like to hear about it. Good luck, though, because it's unlikely that you'd find any genuine examples of disgraceful, immoral, undemocratic and mindlessly aggressive behaviour by the pro-wind lobby (and we would require evidence; just bleating about windfarm companies being "bullies" merely shows that you're unbalanced, not that you have a case).

As for the nimbies of Middle England - well, we're forever finding that they are all the same. They all tell the same lies, and they all resort to the same kneejerk persecution of anyone whose opinion differs from theirs - especially when it's an opinion based on evidence. That really drives them up the wall.

So, to "Joiner" of the Green Building Forum, and to the vicious thugs and liars of Stop Dorcas Lane Turbines, we say only this: we know your methods. You can delude yourselves, but you can't delude us. You are the problem. Your refusal to face facts, and your inability to see yourselves as you really are, will be your downfall. You are traitors to the nation.

And to Aylesbury Vale District Council we say this: we are watching. You know now what the dishonest nimby bullies are up to. We wait to see whether you will do the right thing and honour your obligations, or whether you will cave in to lies and threats from a dangerously unethical, self-centred and aggressive minority.

And so it goes on ...

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