Wednesday, November 2, 2011


They're a very smallscale operation, but the good folks at Yes 2 Wind do a very good job. Their website is improving all the time, and if there is one thing that is definitely needed it is a source of reliable information about windfarms. The only hope is those who seek reliable information can get to it before the fanatical disinformation artists of the anti-renewables fringe get to them.

One of the innovations on the Yes 2 Wind website is their "Windypedia" section - a kind of Wikipedia for windfarm-related issues. And we here at Wind of Change are extremely proud to have been involved with this.

Basically, all that time spent trying to set the record straight, after our local nimbies had poisoned the well of truth by spreading so many hysterical lies about windfarms, has in fact been very useful. While it was all too easy for Big Chief Nookie to spread false information about the impact of a windfarm on local property values, those of us with a working conscience had to put a bit more effort into finding out the facts.

All that hard work and research can now be put to good use, so that - with any luck - not quite so many people will be misled by self-serving propagandists.

This link takes you to the Yes 2 Wind page about house prices, with a major contribution from ourselves on the "Expert" page:

This might not be the last word on the subject. There is a university paper currently being drafted which looks at the issue in detail, and its preliminary findings indicate that any impact on house prices is actually caused by mindless nimby idiots and not by actual windfarms. As the report's author has put it, "they're shooting themselves in the foot".

Interesting, isn't it, that during these times of austerity and economic uncertainty, the money-minded maniacs of the anti-windfarm brigade are harming their own finances, as well as those of their all-too trusting neighbours?

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