Friday, July 1, 2011


Just yesterday we speculated on the bizarre, topsy-turvy debate of nuclear versus renewables.

How, for instance, certain propagandists are so eager to accuse windfarms of things that, in fact, it is nuclear that is really guilty of.

Some of the more barking anti-wind propagandists go to the extreme of conjuring up a fantastic conspiracy, at the centre of which is those arch-magicians at the Department for Energy and Climate Change. Those are the scary civil servants who are somehow brainwashing some of us into thinking that wind turbines are actually quite beautiful. They're the dangerous cabal behind all windfarm promotion in the UK (and, presumably, beyond). They have got into bed with the windpower industry and are forcing us all to go down the renewable road.

Hmmnn ... Sound realistic to you?

Well here's something. It's not the renewables industry that the British government is conspiring with. It's nuclear. Read this:

Once again, we find that all the naughty things the maniacs out there like to attribute to the windpower industry are totally misplaced. It's the nuclear folk who are up to no good.

You really do have to wonder about the motivations of those "useful idiots" and crazed, deluded, utterly dishonest anti-windfarm campaigners. Are they really trying to dispose of a safe, clean, green alternative to the nuclear nightmare?

Looks like it, doesn't it?

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