Friday, November 5, 2010


Check out this link to a clip from the BBC news:-

While a diminishing number of idiots are quoting such renowned experts as Sir Bernard Ingham (Thatcher's old press secretary - not a highly respected individual), the rest of the world is waking up. And, as the news report above makes clear, even the National Grid is campaigning for a massive increase in wind power!

You can tell that the nimbies have lost the argument because they're talking such trash - and doing it ever more hysterically. Don't worry, though. They'll shut up soon enough. They don't really have any ideas of their own, and most of them will start saying, 'Oh, I was all in favour of wind power from the very start!' That's just about their level of dishonesty.

Oh, and by the way - the output from renewables is expected to overtake nuclear by 2013. Nice!

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