Monday, May 31, 2010


There were several reasons why this blog was set up, over a year ago. Partly, it was to offer an alternative voice to the rigorously enforced conformity of opinion in certain Lenches villages. It was to reach out to all those in the area who do not want to believe the loony nonsense about windfarms because they know quite a bit about windfarms already and they like them.

It was also to gather information to help counteract the insane ravings of the nimbies - that is, to examine each and every one of their ludicrous claims and to research the reality.

It was thought of as a kind of Radio Free Lenchwick, broadcasting in spite of the bullies and the thugs of VVASP. And it was designed to preserve for ever a commentary of this utterly shameful affair, this disgrace to local democracy, this outbreak of sheer stupidity, this (temporary) triumph of selfishness and irrationality over the greater good.

And it is in the spirit of that final reason that we here at Wind of Change now acccuse the guiding force behind "Vale Villages Against Scottish Power" of betrayal and community terrorism.

Yes, he has betrayed the trust of his neighbours. Exploiting his qualifications, he has lied to them over and over again. He knows that the wind turbines will not present any kind of threat whatsoever, and yet he has insisted repeatedly that they will, producing phoney evidence to that effect which - combined with his scientific background - is enough to make some of the less intelligent, less discerning members of his flock believe the complete rubbish that he's been telling them.

The VVASP website pretends to be providing "comprehensive information" about windfarms to the community. The fuhrer of VVASP knows that this is untrue. The information that he and his cohorts have purveyed is utterly discredited, and they have made no attempt whatsoever at presenting the vast majority of the studies, statements, reports and data which show how harmless, successful and popular windfarms really are.

By lying so constantly, he has misled his neighbours into believing that the windfarm will be a source of endless harm and trouble. This is the aggregate lie, the combination of all the many and various little lies he has been telling for the past 18 months. Those who have been feeble minded enough to believe him are now of the opinion that:

1) the windfarm will keep them awake at night, gradually destroying their health and sanity as it prevents them from getting any sleep

2) the windfarm will send out unidentifiable but deadly rays of some sort or another which will make their lives a living hell

3) the windfarm will knock more than half of the value off their property overnight (which, given how property minded - no, sorry, obsessed - the new breed in the Lenches tend to be, is a pretty nasty trick to play on them)

4) their horses will rear and attack them if they happen to ride near the turbines; showers of dead birds will rain down on their heads; the blades, when not dazzling them, will fly off willy-nilly, decapitating anyone who happens to be out in the garden sipping Pimms; crazy shadows will pass over anything and everything within a five mile radius; the Vale will be changed permanently into some kind of internment camp for asylum seekers and paedophiles; and so on

Many moons ago, a previous chair of Church Lench Parish Council pulled this powercrazed berk up on some of the mad claims he'd been publicising round the village - the one about house prices in particular. The Chief of the Nookies then admitted, privately, that the claim about house prices wasn't true.


Another PC chair actually asked this middle class hoodlum to keep his baying packs of enraged villagers under control. He had been whipping them up into hysteria and then unleashing them in meetings of the parish council, thereby preventing any parish council business from getting done. Some kind of compromise was suggested. But Mr VVASP refused to play ball. He wasn't going to make any attempt at restraining the lunatics he had incited. He would rather bring down an honest parish council (and replace it with one more suited to his vicious aims) than allow his fellow villagers to do their democratic jobs properly.

But far and away the worst thing that he has done is to convince certain people in the area that the windfarm will damage their health and destroy their sanity.

Can there be any more antisocial, more irresponsible, more downright evil behaviour than that?

His own selfishness and misplaced sense of self-importance has led him to do this. Okay, so he doesn't want to see a wind turbine from the end of his driveway. It's hardly the end of the world if he has to, is it? And we know (from research, science, statistics and proof) that it will cause him no actual harm by being there.

But in order to try and stop a perfectly sensible, beneficial, necessary, clean, attractive and inspiring development he has brainwashed his neighbours into believing that it will ruin their personal fortunes along with their physical and mental health.

That, dear friends, is what EVIL does. There can be no excuse for behaving like that. That man is a criminal, terrorising local villagers into agreeing with his petty-minded opinion.

He is dangerous, deluded and downright wrong. QED.

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