Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Last week, a second legal challenge was issued in an attempt to stop Bradwell wind farm in Essex going ahead.

The windfarm has already been subject to two public inquiries. A spelling mistake in one ruling led to a legal challenge, issued by the local anti-windpower group, and another public inquiry costing the public purse some £100,000.

All a complete waste of time (and public money) of course.

And even more ridiculous when you consider that one of the leading nimbies, a local councillor who has campaigned against the proposed windfarm on the grounds of noise and 'tranquility', actually runs a sand and gravel extraction business near the site of the proposed windfarm site.

Yes - this campaigner for peace and tranqulity is actually the cause of HGVs driving through the local village. And he wants to stop the windfarm!!

This is insane. Just as insane as VVASP's barking notion that they can hold back the tide (or at least prevent the windfarm from appearing until most of them are dead or in care homes) through the exploitation of legal processes.

Such legal processes might be valid if there genuinely was something to fight against. But the sad, sad fact about these vicious, lying nimbies is that they are determined to fight to the death (er - that is, your death) against something that is GOOD and NECESSARY and HARMLESS, and they will waste as much of YOUR money as they can get away with in the process.

There is absolutely no need for any of this. The nimbies' only gripe against windfarms is that they might spoil the view from the end of their driveways.

Forget all the lunatic nonsense they try to spread about the place concerning windfarms - that they don't work, they're 'inefficient', they make no sense economically, they need nuclear power stations to back them up, they slaughter wildlife and scare horses, they cause headaches, sleeplessness, migraines, falling house prices and the end of civilisation as we know it ... because IT'S ALL UNTRUE!!!

But, just to preserve something that does not belong to them (the view, which many areas with windfarms feel is only enhanced by the turbines), they will tell no end of lies, waste no end of time and money (yours), and generally behave like the sick-minded petty dictators they really are.

Yes, all this must stop. It's crippling the country and holding us back. It's a campaign of lies and misinformation led by evil, selfish people. The sort who will sell the future of everybody else for a few seconds of self-satisfaction.

They must be stopped. It's vital to our national and global interests, the economy and the future of all.

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