Saturday, June 6, 2009


This conversation was overheard a while ago:

MAN 1: This bloody windfarm - who wants it? It's just an energy company making profits, that's all. It's nothing but bloody profiteering.

MAN 2: Sorry - may I ask, are you a Conservative?

MAN 1: What?

MAN 2: Do you vote Conservative?

MAN 1: Yes.

MAN 2: You voted for Margaret Thatcher?

MAN 1: Yes.

MAN 2: So you were in favour of privatisation?

MAN 1: Yes.

MAN 2: You voted to let the utility companies make profits.

MAN 1: Yes.

MAN 2: And now you're complaining because that's just what they're doing.

(MAN 1 emits a strangled shriek and disappears in a puff of his own idiocy.)

Okay, so I made that last bit up. But the undiscovered genius I've identified here as MAN 1 demonstrates the intellectual level the protesters against Lenchwick Windfarm operate at.

No wonder their arguments against the windfarm are so fraudulent. They're incapable of thinking in anything but the shortest of terms. And it's all self-interest. All they care about is what they want now. They can't see the consequences of their own actions.

Arguing with people like this is essentially pointless. It's like arguing with sheep - it gets you nowhere. They're perfectly capable of believing two opposite, contradictory things at once*, and because they're obsessed with their own short-term interests they're continually making a hash of things. They miss the bigger picture, because it's all about them, and it's all about now.

We should feel sorry for dimwits like this. But, at the same time, we shouldn't - because VVASP's protest, with its lies and fabrications, its misinformation, its irresponsibility, its herd mentaility, is sustained by this kind of illogical nonsense.

If they were any brighter in the Lenches, VVASP probably wouldn't exist.

(* Apparently, VVASP are all in favour of renewable energy - just not where they can see it. That's classic Lenchthink, or 'bollocks', as it's known in the wider world.)

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