Thursday, July 5, 2012


Renewable energy generation in the UK has soared to new record levels.  During the first quarter of this year, more than 11% of our electricity was wind, solar and hydro-electric.

Over the past two years, onshore wind energy generation has climbed by 51% (offshore, 50%).  Overall, renewable energy output increased by 33% last year.

This all helped the "green" economy in the UK achieve a growth in real terms of 2.3% in 2010/11, reaching some £122 billion, or about 8% of GDP.

Hang on a minute - what's that?  Growth?  In the UK economy?  GROWTH?  GREEN GROWTH??

You do have too ask yourself what kind of Chancellor of the Exchequer makes anti-green speeches on behalf of his more lunatic backbenchers, claiming that "green" policies and economic growth are incompatible.  After all, the "green" economy is one of the few sectors that actually is growing, bringing money into the economy, boosting GDP, while everything else this government is doing is slowing the economy down and costing us squillions.

Business leaders are calling on the government to get its act together where renewables and sustainability are concerned.  Too many prejudices among the Telegraph readers in the Tory Party (and their Daily Mail reading wives) are seeking to wreck this one growth area.  The rest of the world is pressing ahead with renewables; we're sit around squabbling about them.  Blame Delingpole, and his fellow delusionists.  But the fault really lies with Cameron and Osborne and their insane pandering to the insane right-wing fringe.

It's just like the moronic claims that renewables are the cause of rocketing domestic energy bills.  Check out this graphic.  The thin green line at the bottom represents the Renewables Obligation Certificates - the levy charged to electricity providers to help create a level playing field for renewables.  Not subsidies (only idiots call them government subsidies - an idiot like George Osborne).  And wind power accounts for only a fraction of the full ROC payments, and so only about a third of that thin green line is actually windfarms.  The rise in household bills is entirely - as you can see below - the cause of wholesale gas prices:

Now, do you still think that windfarms are the cause of increases in your annual household energy bill?  If so, you're probably a supporter of the Conservative Party and you're foursquare behind the Chancellor's attack on the only part of the UK's economy that is really growing while giving us an abundance of clean, green, remarkably inexpensive electricity.

And you're a traitor to your country, a betrayer of your own grandchildren, and the enemy of everything that's good and just and true.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


It's no wonder that some people think windfarms are "noisy".  They probably think everything is noisy, such is the constant drone of background idiocy in their heads.

For a perfect example of all that's wrong with the "debate" (ha ha!) about wind energy and renewables in the UK, you need only click on this link:

Yes, it's the ConservativeHome blog - the voice of the Tory Party talking to itself, or what happens when you let the lunatics take over the asylum newsletter.  But in this instance, the post is written by a chap who happens to be both a former Conservative parliamentary candidate AND a man with a great deal of knowledge and experience in the wind power industry.

Adam Bruce, for it is he, explains pretty carefully in his post how wind power actually lowers the wholesale costs of electricity, citing evidence from Europe, the USA and Ireland.  As he points out, we would be able to see how well wind is doing in this regard if it weren't for the fact that our energy market in the UK is fantastically opaque.  Even so, being remarkably cheap - what with wind being a free and abundant resource, and all that - wind energy helps to counteract the escalating costs of gas and coal-powered generation.

The problem, of course, is "subsidies".  The anti-wind brigade shriek their heads off about subsidies all the time.  Not the REAL subsidies, you understand, because they go to nuclear and fossil fuels.  But the so-called "subsidies" which electricity companies pay to all renewables.  For onshore wind, that currently works out at somewhere between 1 and 2 p per household energy bill per day.

The world outside the Tory Party has woken up to the alarming fact that the fossil fuel industry receives enormous subsidies from governments all around the world.  Hence yesterday's groundbreaking "Twitterstorm", aimed at persuading governments to stop subsidising the very industry which has caused the terrifying problems we face as a result of climate change.

The world inside the Tory Party thinks that "subsidies" only go to renewables, and that climate change regulation is the only thing holding back the UK economy.  But then, they're morons.

Adam Bruce's post is sensible, factually accurate, and a fair and balanced riposte to those barking Tories who (thanks to disreputable propaganda merchants like REF and GWPF) actually do believe that wind power doesn't work and is simply some sort of giant conspiracy to fleece us of our hard-earned cash.  What he writes is true.  While lobbyists for nuclear and fossil fuels continually lie about the costs and "intermittency" of wind power, the reality is that wind is cheaper than practically all the alternatives and makes a real, positive difference to gross domestic product.

But then, you only have to skim through the comments after Bruce's piece to realise that many right-wingers respond with spittle-flecked fury to the facts.

The goons who chose to comment on Adam Bruce's honest and decent piece are liars to a man (and woman).  They quote the very propagandists who spread the anti-wind lies in the first place.  They pretend that they "haven't got the time" to debunk Bruce's flagrantly partisan post ("Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?" - amazing how many Tories have heard of Mandy Rice-Davies!) which, in truth, means that they're simply not capable of debunking it because it's true.  But they still hurl insults at Bruce, rather like a bunch of caged gorillas flinging their own excrement, because they can't handle the truth.

There is a battle for the soul of our nation going on at the moment, concurrent with the battle to protect the planet for future generations.  Read the comments after Adam Bruce's post and you'll see how the enemy behaves - like yer typical Nazi, in fact, with nothing but angry lies and abuse.  To call them twits is too kind, for they are misguided, evil cretins who react with violence to anything that challenges their warped, deluded, fanatically stupid beliefs.

Yesterday, the conscientious world created a Twitterstorm, calling on governments to end fossil fuels subsidies.  But on the ConservativeHome blog, the party faithless simply whipped up a Twitstorm when somebody told the truth about wind energy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

1 - 25 - 80

A mixed bag of facts and figures for you today, folks.

Last week, County Councillors in Donegal voted overwhelmingly to reject a proposed 1km exclusion zone around windfarms.  This just a few days after an English County Council had taken the banal and brainless decision to try and stop all future windfarm developments in the County of Lincolnshire.

The hysterical claims from the nasty nimbies that windfarms "destroy" the supposedly "unspoilt" landscape apparently holds true for Lincolnshire, but not for County Donegal.  On the whole, we're inclined to suggest that the Donegal landscape is considerably more "unspoilt" than the Lincolnshire equivalent, but then, Lincolnshire County Council is Tory dominated and therefore, it would appear, inclined to believe all manner of nonsense.

The Donegal councillors voted by 13 votes to three to reject the proposed 1km buffer zone between turbines and dwellings - and so yet another foolish and misguided attempt to impose an arbitrary minimum setback distance has been defeated by democracy.  If only the Tory dupes of Lincolnshire CC knew what democracy was.

For that matter, if only Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, was capable of sorting fact from fiction.

Having presented one of the most shambolic and controversial budgets ever back in March, Bullingdon George is trying to win over his loonier backbenchers by demanding a 25% cut in the "subsidies" to wind power.  It is difficult for a non-Daily Mail-reader to understand quite what he hopes to achieve by doing this.  It wouldn't save the government or the consumer any money at all.  Rather, it would mean everyone paying more for their electricity while the government spectacularly fails to meet its legally-binding commitments to cut CO2 emissions.  Osborne's proposed cut would do untold harm to the growing renewables sector, but he has made it clear that he has no intention of cutting any of the massive subsidies to nuclear and fossil fuels.  Even though a report just published by the Centre for Economics and Business Research indicates that the income generated by a healthy wind industry could wipe out most of the UK's current trade deficit by 2030, as well as creating an annual 1% uplift in GDP and nearly a quarter of a million jobs.  Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

The only conceivable motive for the Chancellor's dimwitted proposal is that it will play jolly well with the swivel-eyed racists of UKIP and the barking Tories out in the Shires.  We might think of it as a sort of Lawson manoeuvre - utterly misguided and counterproductive, but good news for right-wing maniacs.

If you'd like to send George Osborne a message explaining why his anti-wind proposals are so stupid, please feel free:,U2RZ,2IVESE,2GTBL,1

Just to show how bizarre and out-of-touch with reality Osborne's cretinous proposal is, he made it on the same weekend that the Independent newspaper published the results of the latest ComRes survey, which showed that the vast majority of Britons want MORE wind energy.  The most interesting result in this survey is that no less than 80% of people aged 18 to 44 are in favour of windfarms.

That's right: EIGHTY PER CENT!  Four out of every five young adults want more wind power in this country.  By way of contrast, only 59% of Britons aged 45 and over want more windfarms.  That's still a pretty decisive majority, of course, but the difference is telling.

Basically, those who are more concerned about the future are in favour of wind energy.  Those who are more concerned about the view from the window of their retirement home also want wind energy, but perhaps not quite as much as the younger generation does.

All the same, George Osborne's proposed catastrophic emasculation of the wind energy industry is clearly the exact opposite of what the vast majority of young Britons want.

The kind of person who does want Osborne's insane cut to windfarm "subsidies" has recently been demonstrating their satanic credentials.  The Diocese of Exeter had submitted planning applications for six small agricultural wind turbines, two in each of the parishes of East Anstey, Chittlehampton and Black Torrington.  But after a campaign of abuse and aggression from a small number of people - many of them from outside the area - the Bishop of Exeter has regretfully withdrawn the applications.

In a letter read out to congregations in his diocese, the Bishop complained that he and his clergy had been subjected to "hostility and in some cases, outright verbal abuse" by a few protesters who "resorted to abusive and bullying tactics".  The churchmen received "very unpleasant letters" and, when they appeared at public meetings to discuss the proposals, were "shouted down and called liars".

The Bishop of Exeter has therefore had the unedifying experience of finding out what the tiny anti-windfarm fringe is like: vicious, aggressive, thuggish, dishonest, abusive, and wildly unrepresentative of the country as a whole.  Nimbies like that are selfish and deluded and out of control.  They have no care for the countryside and clearly no respect for anybody - not even the Anglican clergy.  They are, in effect, George Osborne's stormtroopers, the ugly, zealous fascists of Little England.

The Bishop of Exeter joins the fragrant Kate Humble as being yet another conscientious figure targetted for abuse by the anti-wind Nazis.  They can take some comfort from a quality report published yesterday, which dispels several of the nimbies' favourite myths.  It's worth a look:

Will the nimbies take any notice, though?  Unlikely.  They don't do facts.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Just days after Griff Rhys Jones spewed out his fatuous and uninformed "thoughts" about wind power (and nuclear energy) in the BBC's Radio Times magazine and on Question Time, another TV presenter has put the case for wind.

Kate Humble, formerly a presenter on the BBC's Springwatch, was appearing at the Hay Literature Festival this past week. During the course of the discussion, Kate Humble remarked that "People don't like wind farms, but the fact is that we need to have alternative sources of energy and wind farms are one of them."

Okay, so the first part of her statement was untrue.  There's no real evidence that "People don't like wind farms", apart, that is, from the tiny minority of deluded anti-green, anti-renewables, anti-wind fanatics.  But she's right about the need for "alternative sources of energy" and onshore wind being the cheapest, quickest and one of the most effective and efficient of these (it also receives a pittance in "subsidies", compared with conventional sources like fossil fuels and nuclear).

Brilliantly, Kate Humble made it clear that the countryside doesn't exist solely for the rich and the flaccid middle class oafs who think that our rural landscape is "unspoilt".  She hit out at the conversion of barns into "executive homes" for the kind of selfish cretin who doesn't like windfarms where they might be able to see them and the creation of "mega farms".  She acknowledged that there "needs to be development and it needs to be sustainable."

In stark contrast to Griff Rhys Jones, Ms Humble insisted that "we cannot just live in a chocolate box countryside.  It has to support itself, it has to work and it has to have relevance in today's world.  It cannot be pickled."

Griff Rhys Jones earned plaudits from the miserable minority of anti-wind fascists with his belief that the countryside should be pickled.  The difference between him and Kate Humble being that he, Griff, occasionally walks, drives or rides through the countryside, and so his idea is only of a place to be looked at.  Kate Humble, meanwhile, lives and works in the country - she left Springwatch to concentrate on her farm in Monmouthshire and making science documentaries (yes: science - the thing that the right-wing climate change denying loons of Nimbydom hate).  She studies the countryside and presents programmes about the countryside - not as a thing to be looked at now and then but as a place where things have to work.

Naturally, by showing that she knows what she's on about, Ms Humble has been attacked by the sort of Telegraph-reading maniac who thinks that they're still living in the 19th Century.  The sort who refers to the "Green Climate Police", as if more or less every scientist in the world isn't worrying themselves sick at the consequences of our ignorance and insanity.  The sort who insists, in the face of all the evidence, that windfarms "don't work".  Morons, basically.

Remember the statistics.  Put 100 people together in a room.  Just three of them will be out-and-out raving anti-wind loonies.  Seven will be mildly disapproving of windfarms.  Four will admit that they just don't know.  The rest - 88 out of the 100 - will be okay with windfarms, either totally in favour or not really bothered.

(It is the latter bunch at whom the nasty nimby direct their filthy lies about windfarms, hoping to turn equanimity into enmity by misleading these people with absolute gibberish and sickeningly silly scare-stories.  But still, it's only the 3% of Britons who are fanatically opposed to cheap, clean, green electricity generation who are behind these outbreaks of insanity, plus maybe one or two of those who just don't want anything happening nearby.)

The simple fact is, Kate Humble is right.  Like her onetime co-presenter Bill Oddie, who supports windfarms (nimbies lie, as always, about the threat to birds; a real bird expert like Oddie knows that there is no such threat, except from the ravages of climate change), she can see things as they are and understands what is both necessary and desirable for us all.

Griff Rhys Jones can only see things as he would want them to be.  Which is not how they are.  And not how the vast majority of Britons want them to be.

Well done, Kate, for speaking up properly for the countryside, and its needs, and the people who live and work in it (not those plastic souls who build "executive homes" and attack anything that's real in the country, but those who genuinely care for our land and the environment).  We need more knowledgeable people like you to speak out against the ignorance and the prejudices of the Griff Rhys Jones lobby.

And we're sorry for the ineffably stupid comments made on the Telegraph website by those who don't like what you have to say.  But then, they're only a tiny minority of Griffalos.  The real people of Britain are right behind you.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Anyone under attack from the vicious zombies of Nimbyland would do well to cast their eyes over this post from the excellent Climate Spectator blog:

As the post points out, the utterly nonexistent "Wind Turbine Syndrome" is just the latest in a long line of foolish health scares promoted by idiots and frauds.  Check out the quote from the British Medical Journal in 1889, which examined the horrific consequences of using a telephone.  Or the belief that the "education of women" caused something called neurasthenia, which also didn't exist.

If you actually look at the so-called physicians who are working furiously to scare people with their lies about "Wind Turbine Syndrome", you'll soon see that they're a pretty shoddy bunch.  One is a disgraced academic who was caught out publishing lies for the tobacco industry.  The main peddler of the "Wind Turbine Syndrome" myth in Australia is an unregistered doctor - "unregistered" presumably meaning that she's not very good.  The term "Wind Turbine Syndrome" was invented by an American paediatrician with no experience in acoustics, but whose husband happened to be an active campaigner against wind energy.  Said paediatrician could not find anyone willing to publish her useless "research". 

Here in the UK, the British Medical Journal (see above) made the mistake of publishing a very poorly referenced piece by one of the latest "Wind Turbine Syndrome" fanatics, the retired director of a sleep laboratory who - guess what? - has himself fought proposals for a windfarm close to his home.  He wrote his first silly "report" on the mythical adverse health affects of windfarms at the behest of another anti-windfarm group ... and so the nimby echo chamber booms on, making no sense whatsoever except to itself.

As the blogpost cited above shows, the deranged proponents of "Wind Turbine Syndrome" - and yes, they are deranged - like to claim that windfarms cause up to 125 different diseases and behavioral problems, and counting.  Yes, folks: those harmless devices are somehow achieving more than a bad case of nuclear fallout.  And yet - funny this - the so-called symptoms of the We-Just-Made-It-Up thing called "Wind Turbine Syndrome" always seem to vanish when money is on offer.

Nimby idiots like to claim that the effects of "Wind Turbine Syndrome" (copyright: the fossil fuel industry) are instantaneous.  Indeed, they often start before a windfarm is even operational (how can that be?).  And yet ... the first "case" was recorded in Britain in 2003.  That was twelve years after the first windfarm started operating in Britain.  So it took the fascist fringe a full twelve years to dream up a "syndrome" connected with windfarms.  Not all that instantaneous after all!

And how interesting to note that when the alleged sufferers of "Wind Turbine Syndrome" are required to release their medical records, their case collapses.  Pre-existing disorders, anyone?  Certainly, all those interviewed (over the phone) by the inventor of "Wind Turbine Syndrome" had pre-existing medical conditions.  The fabricated "Wind Turbine Syndrome" was created as a completely bogus health scare in order to attack green industry, exploiting the pre-existing conditions of twenty-or-so people in a thoroughly despicable attempt to frighten and mislead.

The real problem is not the invention of a wholly imaginary "syndrome" but the virulence with which thoroughly dishonest nimby groups demand that their neighbours all believe in it.  Because, as Francis Bacon said of infections nearly 400 years ago, "if you fear them, you call them upon you."

So when one of your nasty nimby neighbours tells you that windfarms cause any one of the 125 symptoms currently classed as "Wind Turbine Syndrome" - including symptoms you may already have - they're not warning you.  They're telling you to get sick.  They're trying to trick you into believing that you feel unwell, even before the turbine blades start turning, because - in their mentally ill world - they'll consider that some kind of victory.

The simple fact is, there is no such thing as "Wind Turbine Syndrome", outside of the heads of the evil nutters who keep going on about it.  No reputable scientific or public health institution in the world has accepted its existence.  Out of 21 million research papers in the US National Library of Medicine, not one recognises "Wind Turbine Syndrome".

It is a totally made-up "disease".  Made-up by fools and frauds.  To scare you. 

That's how low the nimbies are.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Back in April, the results of an Ipsos MORI poll were published.

More than 1,000 people were surveyed.  The question they were asked was simple:

"To what extent are you in favour of or opposed to the use of wind power in the UK?"

See?  Nice and simple.

The nimbies hate this sort of survey, because it just asks a simple question.  If they had their own way, the anti-wind fascists would seek to skew the questions (e.g., "Given that windfarms eat babies, cause global warming and provide homes for immigrants, how much would you like to see one built in your living room?") or to manipulate the results - which was how VVASP managed to turn a minority of local residents opposed to the proposed Lenchwick Windfarm into an "overwhelming" majority.  Basically, as usual, they lied.  And then Karen Lumley MP repeated their lies at the Wychavon District Council planning meeting.  But then, Karen Lumley doesn't really get it, does she?

Back to the April poll.  As we've seen, the question was pretty straightforward.  And here are the results:


Strongly in favour - 28%
Tend to favour - 38%
Neither favour nor oppose - 22%
Tend to oppose - 5%
Strongly oppose - 3%
Don't know - 4%

Let's look at those figures in more detail.

The total of the 1,000+ Britons polled who were broadly or strongly in favour of wind power was 66% - or roughly two-thirds of the population.

The total who were broadly or strongly opposed was 8% - or less than one-tenth of the population.

More people didn't know what they thought than were strongly opposed.

The number of Britons who neither favour nor oppose wind power was nearly three times the number who are opposed to it.

The number of Britons who do favour wind power was more than eight times the number opposed.

Now, our local group of nimby liars and nutters played about with the results of parish council surveys in order to get the result they wanted (a completely fictional "75%" against), and one of the ways they did that was to discount everyone who didn't express an opinion.

But let's be realistic.  If you're not opposed to wind power, then you're not opposed.  You may not be especially keen on windfarms, but you don't really have a problem with them.

So, if we add the "don't care very much either way" respondents to the number who were fairly or strongly in favour of wind power in the UK, we get the grand total of 88%.

We'll leave the "Don't know's" out of it, for now.

What this means is that, while just EIGHT PER CENT of the population are either mildly or massively opposed to wind power in the UK, EIGHTY-EIGHT PER CENT are strongly in favour, broadly in favour or just not particularly bothered.


When we look at the real, out-and-out fanatics - the brainwashed nimby brigade who see it as their duty to spread clueless lies about windfarms in order to "protect" an already spoiled landscape - they amount to a grand total of ...

Wait for it ...


Now, let's take the 2010 figures for the British population, which stood at just over 62 million.  Less than two million of those are "Strongly opposed to wind power in the UK".  About 3 million "Tend to oppose" wind power.  So, almost five million Britons aren't very happy about the idea of wind power.  While 57 million Britons like it or don't have a problem with it.

So, why oh why oh why do we only ever hear from the hugely unrepresentative, dishonest, noisy, thuggish loudmouths of the Three Per Cent?

And why has our idiot Chancellor suddenly made it his mission to destroy the wind industry in the UK by slashing what are laughably called "subsidies" - actually, ROC payments made by energy companies - to wind by a crippling 25%?  The industry is ready and prepared for a proposed 10% cut in the ROC payments, because improved technology and increasing deployment mean that the costs of generating wind energy are coming down.  But in a sop to the swivel-eyed lunatics on the government's backbenches - the dishonest cretins who have got it into their thick, echoing skulls that wind power is some sort of "scam" - George "Desperate" Osborne is thinking of destroying one of the only growth industries in the country.

When nearly 90% of the British population are strongly in favour of, broadly in favour of or totally unfazed by windfarms!

Of course, Osborne is playing to the extreme right-wing - the same sort of unpatriotic maniac who is happy to see the UK's economy blitzed on ideological grounds, and who never takes the slightest bit of interest in what's happening in the rest of the world.  Everywhere, from Mexico to Morocco, huge windfarms are springing up as the world recognises the need to wean itself off dirty fossil fuels and expensive, dangerous and unreliable nuclear.  Everywhere, that is, except in Britain - where a bunch of fanatics are playing King Cnut with our futures, like the brainless drones they are!

Want some fun facts?  In the first three months of 2012, the amount of electricity generated by wind in the UK was up by a massive 46.8% on the same period last year.

Only a third of the UK's 340 windfarms are based in England - where almost all the anti-wind lunacy originates.

Remember, only THREE PER CENT of the British population is "Strongly opposed to wind power in the UK".

So let's hear a bit of truth about wind, from time to time, from the Mail and the Telegraph, please - or are they exclusively the mouthpieces of the demented and selfish 3%?

Friday, June 1, 2012


Look at where all the atrociously inaccurate and misleading stories about windfarms keep coming from and you'll notice a trend.

Fox News in the US, for example, constantly peddles ludicrous lies about wind power:

Why?  Well, presumably for much the same reason that the discredited Heartland Institute, a fanatically right-wing "lobby" group, seeks to malign and demonise anyone who believes in climate change.  Because some businesses - mentioning no names - are making so much money out of heavily-subsidised fossil fuels that they have a commercial interest in attacking climate science.

Here in the UK, we have cretins like Derek Clark, UKIP MEP for Leicestershire, spouting idiotic anti-windfarm lies.  Of course, the besuited racists of UKIP don't believe in either climate change or renewable energy - but then, they don't believe in sexual equality, either.  They're the sort of people who would not only have been unable to domesticate fire, but would have campaigned angrily against doing so as a dangerous shift to the left.  They are the Jeremy Clarksons of British politics: empty-headed bar-room bores sounding off about things they don't understand.

Clark refuses to get his facts right about wind power, even when those facts have been clearly pointed out to him.  He claims that the Swinford Wind Farm in Leicestershire was "opposed by thousands of people" (oh, really?) and that windfarms are a "massive confidence trick" because they "only turn out any electric power for 30 per cent of the time and not on full power for more than a fraction of that."  This is typical nimby gibberish, as far removed from reality as the rest of Derek Clark's grotesque party is.

And then there's the soi-disant Renewable Energy Foundation (REF), which exists solely to publish lies about windfarms.  They published a pamphlet claiming that government policies designed to encourage the development of renewable energy would destroy thousands of jobs.  What was so odd about this pamphlet is that it flew in the face of all the available research.  A report published by various UN agencies and trades unions indicates that shifting to a greener economy could generate up to 60 million additional jobs worldwide over the next two decades.

Indeed, renewables are about the only growth area in the European economy right now.  In 2010, the wind industry directly and indirectly contributed 32.43 billion euros to the EU's GDP and accounted for 3.59 billion euros in tax payments, while saving the EU 5.71 billion in additional fuel costs.  It also accounted for 135,863 jobs across Europe in 2010.  In the UK alone, the wind industry contributed over half a billion pounds to the economy last year and supported thousands of jobs.  No wonder the financial sector is going cool on nuclear - way too expensive and unreliable - and getting very excited about renewables.

So, either John Constable of REF knows something that nobody else in the world knows when he claims that renewables cost jobs ... or he's a liar.

The godfather of British anti-windfarm nutcases, though, is the inimitable Delingpole, a frothy-mouthed merchant of right-wing insanity on demand.  Like his fellow climate "sceptic", the deranged Lord Monckton, Delingpole has no scientific qualifications whatsoever.  This means that he is ideally suited to keep hurling his own excrement at the global scientific consensus, which has been studying masses of evidence for years, and insisting that he alone is right and 98% of the world's scientists are wrong.  He has even claimed that "the more scientifically illiterate you are, the more you believe in 'climate change'."  This, let's remember, is a man with NO SCIENTIFIC CREDENTIALS AT ALL calling almost every scientist in the world "scientifically illiterate"!  Or, if you prefer, misquoting the findings of a Yale University report, because - like every nimby on planet Earth - misrepresenting the evidence is all that Delingpole is good for.

Delingpole doesn't just unleash his demented diatribes against climate scientists.  He's got a thing about windfarms, too.  Strangely, the two things - climate change denial and anti-windfarm vitriol - go hand in hand, like racism and homophobia.

In one of his latest assaults on sanity, Delingpole went so far as to say "I would rather a child of mine went into business manufacturing land mines (which at least have a valid defensive pupose) than got involved in the wind farm industry."

The thought of Delingpole having children is enough to make one queasy.  And, if windfarms really were the subsidy-sucking money pots that Delingpole likes to pretend they are, he would surely be impressed to find that his spawn had found such a lucrative occupation.  But Delingpole is certifiably insane, as any competent psychiatrist would be able to prove in five minutes flat.  If he started barking at the moon, it would be seen as a sign that he was on the road to recovery.  And so he vomits his thoughtless, knee-jerk anti-windfarm buffoonery all over the Telegraph whenever the editor pays him to.

Still, when you look at the other "celebrities" on Delingpole's side of the "argument" - Griff Rhys Jones, Louise Mensch, David Bellamy, Donald Trump - you have to accept that they, too, are probably much more in favour of a thriving and heavily subsidised land mine industry than inexpensive, clean green energy.  Because they're all a few plates short of a full service.

Look back at this list of the infamous, the insanitary and the terminally insane.  Notice anything about them?  Anything they might have in common?

No?  Okay, we'll try again.

What links Fox News, the Heartland Institute, UKIP, REF, Monckton, Lawson and Delingpole, as well as the ugly company they all keep?

They are all fanatical right-wing maniacs.  Their pronouncements about wind energy are blissfully unencumbered by facts and are inspired purely by prejudice and extremist ideology.  They all have their reasons for telling blatant lies about windfarms, over and over and over again, but they're not exactly good reasons.  They are based solely on hate, greed, and a warped view of the world.

As recent polls have shown, less than 10% of the UK's population is absolutely opposed to wind power.  Presumably, they are the very far-right fantasists who lap up Delingpole's weird drivel and believe everything that the crazies of UKIP and the propagandists of REF tell them.  A tiny lunatic fringe of swivel-eyed conspiracy theorists and neo-fascists.

Hardly the sort of people we want dictating our energy policy over the next few decades, wouldn't you agree?

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Apparently, there's a little man in Norfolk.  And he's feeling very pleased with himself.  He made the front page of a national newspaper or two.  Why?  Because he managed to stop a windfarm.

The freakishly insane Daily Mail certainly trumpeted the triumph of this little man.  "Villagers scored a major victory over the wind farm and green lobby yesterday", it smirked.

Rendered into accurate English, what the frothy-mouthed propagandists at the Mail meant was: "A few selfish loons drove another nail into the coffin of inexpensive, clean, renewable energy and Britain's future energy security, ensuring that everybody's electricity bills will be higher.  But hey, they got to protect their precious views!"

The fact that a windfarm proposal has been defeated isn't really news, because the majority are overcome by the witless opposition of a few local liars and hypocrites.  What made the Hemsby case different was that a High Court judge ruled that the scenery mattered more than renewable energy.  Blissfully unconscious of the pun, the Mail described it as a "landmark" ruling, and quoted a local landscape gardener (that most essential of occupations) as saying "It is overdevelopment, you can't cover the hills and dales in turbines."  An odd remark.  The proposed windfarm was in the Norfolk Broads, where hills and dales are hard to find.

So, the only reason that "the little man" was celebrated in the Daily Mail's loopy article was because of this "landmark" ruling.  Folks, you can forget all that gibberish about bats and birds, horses and house prices, phantom noise and flying ice!  All you need to do to stop a windfarm is invent some hills and dales where there aren't any and set out to protect them at any cost!!

The landscape has become the battleground for renewables in Britain.  With CPRE spouting nimby gibberish and the National Trust appealing to the courts over a decision to site a windfarm where it might mildly upset visitors to a country house (left unfinished more than four hundred years ago), and coming hard on the heels of Griff Rhys Jones's moronic outburst about how we must laminate our landscape so that it looks all nice and no one is ever allowed to do anything, the High Court ruling has established the rules from now on.

You want to mitigate the worst effects of climate change?  You want to reduce pollution and carbon emissions?  You want cheap, clean, green energy, so that your children and grandchildren can enjoy the benefits of electricity?


Because a little man doesn't want his view spoilt - you know, that view of the hills and dales which aren't there.

It's different in other countries.  In Australia, for example, the battleground is the entirely mythical and non-existent "Wind Turbine Syndrome".  Even though a host of scientific studies have concluded that infrasound from wind turbines simply isn't capable of affecting human beings, the faux "Wind Turbine Syndrome" argument drags on.  Indeed, wind industry experts in Oz are now pointing out that there is no "debate" over the existent or non-existence of "Wind Turbine Syndrome" (let's face it, we'd know by now if it really did exist, outside the fetid minds of a few anti-wind nimbies), but only a raging "argument" based on falsehoods and foolish stories in the press.

Part of the problem is that the press itself is dying.  The days of the print media appear to be numbered, and in its death-throes it is going bonkers.  What else could account for the sickening nonsense that right-wing rags like the Mail and Telegraph continually spew about "the wind farm and green lobby", making out that the very people who are trying to guarantee the UK and the rest of the world a clean, safe and secure energy future are some kind of weird fringe.  It doesn't bother the idiot journalists who work for these papers that the vast majority of Britons - even in rural areas - want to see more wind power.  They're writing for an increasingly tiny minority of little men.

New media have a very different outlook - which is why Sky TV's offices in London are now powered by their very own wind turbine.

But in the mad, mad world of the right-wing hack, windfarms are part of some socialist conspiracy.  Hurrah for the little man!  Down with the future!!

Well, sorry to rain on their parade, but as this article - written by actual experts, not the private school-educated monkeys of Fleet Street - shows, the cost of wind power is expected to drop 12% by 2016:

There will be a prize for anyone who can name another major form of electricity generation which is likely to go down in price over the next four years.  Nuclear?  Don't make us laugh.  Gas?  Coal?  It's only the massive subsidies paid to fossil fuels that are keeping the prices as high as they already are.  Even without direct government subsidies, windfarms are already cost-competitive with those heavily subsidised conventional sources, which themselves are only getting more expensive.

So, thanks to the little man of Norfolk, you can now rest assured that the famous hills and dales of the Norfolk Broads will be spared a windfarm - and you'll be paying more for your electricity.

(While we've been compiling this post, a very interesting document has been emailed to us from America.  Resolving Community Concerns over Local Wind Power Development in Utah looks like it has much to tell us about how communities can be rightly reassured, rather than grossly misled by their most nasty residents into opposing something that's good for everybody.  It's an impressive piece which, with the authors' permission, we might try to make available by email.  But evidently, there are ways of overcoming the little man's misguided opposition to wind power developments and depriving the Daily Mail of another misbegotten headline - so what's not to like?)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


We'll start this post by kicking away one of the nimbies' favourite lies.

Anti-wind fanatics are fond of claiming that wind power is "too expensive".  They never actually qualify this claim - i.e., they never explain in what way wind is "too expensive", or is "too expensive" compared with what.  It's just one of their blanket myths, like the one about wind turbines being "noisy".  The mere fact that these dunces have made these claims means that, as far as they're concerned, they must be true.

A whole raft of recent studies have proven the opposite.  Wind power isn't "too expensive" because it's cheaper than the conventional alternatives.

The monthly journal Nature Climate Change has published a study by ETH-Zurich's Department of Management, Technology and Economics which shows the extent to which "fossil fuel subsidies can negatively affect the competitiveness of renewable-energy technologies".  In other words, it's not renewables that are expensive - it's the colossal subsidies offered to fossil fuels which skew the market.

What the researchers discovered was that, in all the countries studied (including Brazil, Egypt and India), "with one franc or dollar of funding, you can produce more electricity ... if the money is invested in wind power plants."

Just a month ago, the Michigan Public Service Commission produced a report which showed that wind power and electricity from other renewables was close to one-third cheaper than electricity produced by a new coal-fired plant.  AND - the costs of wind power and other renewables are COMING DOWN!!

Yet another report has shown that adding more wind power to the grid could reduce wholesale electricity market prices in the Midwestern states of America by more than 25% by 2020.

Even the UK government has admitted that investment in wind power will lead to a net saving on household energy bills.  This link explains more:

So, all in all, when a nimby tells you that wind power is "too expensive", you know that they're talking absolutely garbage.

But why do they do it?  Why do these nimby scumbags constantly, repeatedly, incessantly LIE about wind power?  Why?

Well, a few clues have been provided by some more recent research into the associated issue of climate change and, in particular, climate scepticism (or denial).

You might think that those who don't believe in climate change, or don't believe that it is man-made, even though the global scientific consensus has proven that it is, must be scientific morons.  The answer, then, would be better science education.  If people were capable of understanding how science works, they'd be less likely to ignore or challenge what every climate scientist has been saying for years.

You'd think that, wouldn't you? But you'd be wrong.  It turns out that climate change denial has got nothing to do with a lack of scientific training and everything to do with cultural values - or, as the Yale University scientists who published the latest report might say, it's a matter of "cognitive dissonance" rather than "scientific illiteracy".

Basically, there are two types of person.  The "egalitarian" type recognises the problem that human activities have created, and advocates joint action to curb carbon emissions.  The "hierarchical" type is more of an individualist and doesn't want to admit that his or her behaviour has contributed to a global crisis.  What is more, the "hierarchical" type rejects the very notion of communal action as something vaguely "socialist".  And so that type refuses to believe in man-made climate change because it doesn't suit their selfish, me-first view of the world.  Even if they do believe in man-made climate change, they refuse to do anything about it because it doesn't really affect them.

The difference, then, is between the democratic types who have no problem is seeing what is happening and think that we really ought to be doing something about it at every level, and the autocratic type who doesn't want to be forced to do anything about it at all.  Even those who have a sure grasp of science can deny the evidence when it doesn't agree with their cultural perspective.

The "argument" about climate science, then, has got nothing whatever to do with science.  It's about whether you believe in collective action or whether you're a rampant individualist.  Which explains the ghastly and insane attempts of Lord "I have no scientific qualification" Monckton and his grubby friend, Lord "You will only believe what I want you to believe" Lawson, to mislead everybody with their climate lies.

Anti-windfarm campaigners are "hierarchical" individualists.  They don't see why the view from their bathroom windows should be in any way affected by the far-off presence of a windfarm.  No - put the damn' things somewhere else.  Or, better still, abandon all wind power (because, let's face it, when you've lied your head off about one windfarm, you kind of have to lie about them all).  Never, never, never, never, never!!  No one - but NO ONE - is allowed to provide the cheapest form of electricity, nice and clean, with minimal harm to the environment, no hazardous emissions or waste, and the benefit of energy security for the next generation and financial benefits for the local community - NO!!!  NO ONE is allowed to do that if I MIGHT BE ABLE TO SEE IT!!!

Yes, it really is as mindless as that.

But here's the paradox.  In order to get other people to back their insanely reckless and selfish anti-windfarm campaigns, these nutters have to pose as the defenders of their community.  That is, rampant, egotistical right-wing individualists have to PRETEND to be community-minded egalitarian conservationsists.  And that is why they lie.  Because to get real people on their side - the sort who really do care for their communities and believe in collective action - they have to whip up fear, panic and hysteria by telling loud and stupid lies about windfarms.

There's a good example of this currently in the Scottish Borders, where a typical nimby menace is at work.  Never having given a thought to renewables until a windfarm was proposed nearby, this nimby fool did what the worst kind of nimby does - instantly set himself up as a world expert on wind energy.

Like yer typical nimby, this bozo attacks everybody if they don't support his blinkered and wildly misinformed views.  Indeed, anyone who expresses any form of support for wind power, whether it be a local council officer who can find no grounds to oppose the development or a local resident who can spot the benefits of a wind turbine or two, becomes a target for his Blimpish ravings.  A surprising number of objections lodged with the local council have come from him alone, masquerading as various "preservation" bodies.  Almost singlehandedly, he has set out to fight these perfectly sensible developments, come what may.

He has deployed his knowledge of engineering in order to "prove" that windfarms don't work.  Only the kind of engineering he understands doesn't cover windfarms, and he wrecked his own arguments by pointing out that the windfarms which already exist in his region produce nine times as much electricity as his region needs.  So, they don't, and can't, work, but they also work so well that we don't need any more of them.  Anyone who can advance both of those arguments IN THE SAME SUBMISSION is clearly insane.

This is what makes the paranoid claims of the nimbies that "communities" feel powerless in the face of giant greedy global windpower conglomerates such a joke.  For a start, some 68% of country-dwellers want to see more windfarms and turbines.  The percentage of Britons who are opposed to wind energy under any circumstances is less than 10%!  The "communities" which bleat that they cannot fight the wind industry don't exist!!  They are, in fact, a minority of bigoted, brainwashed, lying wretches who do more harm to their own communities than any windfarm ever has or will.

They are the sort who will drag their communities into their boorishly selfish stance by spreading lies, myths and scare-stories.  They don't actually believe in community - that's an egalitarian principle - but they will USE their communities in any way they see fit, just as long as they get to fight their evil fight against reality.

They're the ones who will tell you that there is no such thing as climate change, or that mankind isn't causing climate change, or that we cannot do anything about it because of the Chinese.  They will also tell you that wind power is "too expensive" ... while the costs of nuclear continue to spiral upwards, and subsidies for fossil fuels hide their real costs, and wind is pretty much unique in being both clean and cheap and in getting cheaper.

The nimby maniacs are lying to you.  They don't care about their community.  They just believe that they can be absolved from any responsibility for their actions, now and in the past, and that they should not have to play any part whatsoever in mitigating the effects of their selfishness.  They would rather the rest of us starved, burned or died of thirst, than that their petty-minded little world be disrupted in the slightest degree.

So when you join their fight on the basis of the lies they told you, at least you now know that you're fighting against your own best interests, and those of your country and your kids, in order to satisfy a small bunch of sociopathic liars.  Good move.  We hope you feel proud.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Okay, so you've got two technologies.

One is about 60 years old and once promised electricity that's "too cheap to meter", but today it's demanding more in the way of massive subsidies than ever; numerous developed ecomonies are turning their backs on this technology because it is far too costly, dangerous and unreliable, and the most famous recent disaster with the technology caused tens of thousands of people to be evacuated, with no sign of them being allowed to return to their homes.

The other is about 20 years old.  Its contribution to our electricity usage is increasing all the time, while its costs are falling.  It does not receive direct tax-payer subsidies but does pump money into local communities while producing zero carbon emissions and no hazardous waste.

Guess which of the two Griff Rhys Jones supports.

With an irony of which the Radio Times magazine is probably unaware, the TV presenter was allowed to spew out an opinion piece of astonishing ignorance just a page or two before the magazine's regular TV commentator had a go at TV presenters who insist on trying their hands at things which they're incapable of doing properly.  Jones took the position of the city-dweller who occasionally visits the countryside and proclaimed that windfarms are something to do with "the hypocrisy of a green tokenism".  Resorting to one of the nimbies' favourite words ("industrial"), he argued - with breathtaking stupidity - that "Randomly deposited industrial wind farms still pop up in a fulfilment of a hectic ambition that won't solve ten per cent of our energy needs."

The grotesquely ignorant "opinion" piece that showed only how little Griff Rhys Jones actually knows went on to become a fully-fledged nimby call to arms.  Apparently, it is more important to Jones that he can look at an unchanged countryside for the remainder of his days than that our children should have any electricity.  What a pompous, selfish, short-sighted fool - or, to put it another way - what a nimby!

If anyone can actually point to a "Randomly deposited industrial wind farm", we'd love to hear about it.  Of course, this dimwitted phrase simply displays the Griffalo's impeccable nimby credentials.  Look at it closely, and you'll realise that it doesn't mean anything.  No windfarm ("industrial" or not) is "randomly deposited", and only a disingenuous idiot would pretend that it was.

While we might have put Griff's insane blather in the Radio Times down to a momentary lapse of reason, his appearance on the BBC's Question Time revealed him for what he really is: a shill for the nuclear industry.

Demonstrating the casual disregard for any form of evidence whatsoever, a member of the Question Time audience asked a question that, in its abject idiocy, was designed to appeal to Griff's newfound opposition to the real world.  Wind power, according to the strange logic of the questioner, is "perceived to have failed".  Well, if you read the Telegraph, then yes, perhaps, it has.  But if you open your eyes and look at what's happening all over the world, the reality is very different.  If Spain can get more than 60% of its electricity from wind power alone on the morning of 19 April, then that's one heck of a failure.

Maybe Griff had bribed the BBC to let this ultra-stupid question through.  It was what he had been waiting for - the only reason for him to be on the Question Time programme in the first place.

Apparently, according to Griff Rhys Jones, Denmark tried wind power and then gave up on it.  He's been reading nimby websites.  Denmark has continued to invest in wind power and is now committed to getting 50% of its electricity from wind by the end of the decade.

Griff not only showed how blindingly ignorant people who only read nimby propaganda are - he went on to claim that Fukushima is completely safe.  Clearly, he hasn't been paying attention.  Look at Fukushima reactor number 4, Griff, and then tell us how safe it is!!!  But playing down the costs, subsidies, hundreds of thousands of years of dangerous waste, unreliability and inherent instability of nuclear power is a vital strand of the nimby argument.  If nuclear is okay (i.e., if we overlook the spiralling costs, the colossal taxpayer subsidies, the problems associated with mining, transporting and disposing of nuclear fuels, the risks of another Chernobyl/Fukushima/Three Mile Island - statistically, very likely - and the almost universal distrust of nuclear power), then there is no need for wind power.

But this requires you to lie - over and over again - to yourself and everybody else, as Griff did on Question Time.  It also requires you to lie about the success of wind power in other countries, as Griff did again by rabitting the insanely inaccurate myth about Denmark's wind industry.

Let's put it simply.  Griff Rhys Jones is evidently incapable of getting his facts right.  Because he wants the countryside to look the way he wants it to, exclusively for him, for the rest of his days (after which, well, bugger it, frankly), he is prepared to parade his ignorance on TV and in print and to take upon himself the nimby mission of spreading lies for purely selfish reasons.

His dementedly foolish and treacherous intervention in a matter of national importance (economically and environmentally) will only be grist to the nimby mill.  Already, the idiot brigade are posting his misjudged and misinformed comments to all and sundry, as if Griff's uninformed views counteract the mass of statistical and scientific evidence which contradicts him.  He might have concluded that there is a constituency out there (less than 10% of the British population, according to all recent polls) which is opposed to wind energy on no reasonable grounds whatsoever.  How about speaking up for the majority, Griff, rather than winding up the evil liars and thugs of nimbydom?  Why not speak up for Britain, rather than scuppering our future?  Why not just state the truth, rather than repeating nimby lies?

How's this for a bit of truth?  The Bavarian Environment Agency is just the latest august body to publish scientific evidence that windfarms do not pose a threat to human health.  Once again, genuine experts (as opposed to the swivel-eyed loons quoted by the nimbies) have revealed the fact that the "infrasound" given out by wind turbines is at such a low level it simply could not impact on human health.  Another long overdue nail in the coffin of the nimbies' pet "Wind Turbine Syndrome" myth.

Meanwhile, as the frauds of FRAWT stand together to save the non-existent eagles of South Warwickshire, a local journalist did the right thing and actually visited a windfarm.  Of course, a Tory councillor made some stupid noises, but as the article shows, once the locals have been weaned off the nimby lies that their neighbours keep pummelling them with, they find that real windfarms are actually rather nice:

Note also that the Low Spinney windfarm which was visited has been exceeding its predicted electricity output in recent months by a quite remarkable margin: 11,715 MW of electricity generated by the four turbines between October and January, compared with the target of 8,859 MW.  Now tell us that "wind power is perceived to have failed"!!

Or how about this - the UK's largest community-owned windfarm in the naturally beautiful Western Isles (FRAWT please note: there really are eagles in the Western Isles, and real communities, and this one has secured more than £10 million to install its own 3 x 2.3 MW windfarm) is set to return at least £20 million to the local community over the next twenty years.  Very useful in these straitened times, we're sure you'll agree.  When was the last time a nuclear power station ploughed money into its local community without causing any real damage at all?

The insanity of Griff Rhys Jones's blinkered and ignorant contribution to the "debate" about renewable energy in Britan will appeal only to his new nimby friends - a tiny minority of the population.  Even the vast majority of rural residents support more wind energy developments, a slightly higher percentage than in the cities.

Griff - what were you thinking?  If you were thinking at all, that is.  We know that you like the past, including Britain's industrial heritage (oh, am I missing something?  Didn't somebody have to build all that heritage in the first place, while a  few neanderthals fulminated against "indiscriminate barbarity"?).  But you can't live in the past.  Change is the essence of life, and if you insist on opposing it, you only make matters worse for yourself and everybody else.

But then, to quote Einstein - who knew a lot more about science than Griff does - "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."

And judging by the Griffalo's recent contributions, minds don't come much more mediocre than Griff Rhys Jones's.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


A few days ago, EDF had to shut down one of the two reactors at its Torness nuclear power station in Scotland for safety reasons.  The French company somehow neglected to mention this fact in public.  The reactor will not go back online until safety checks and maintenance work have been carried out.

Sadly, a culture of secrecy is, and always has been, part and parcel of the nuclear industry.  People very seldom get to hear about it when a nuclear reactor is suddenly shut down - and often remains shut down for weeks or months on end.  Oh no - we just continually hear from those who haven't yet woken up from the fifty-year old nuclear dream that nuclear is "cheap", "clean" and "reliable".  In reality, it is none of those things.  But, while other power companies have been dropping nuclear like a hot rock, EDF has had its people camped out in Whitehall, trying to pressurise the government into reneging on its pledge not to offer new nuclear the massive public subsidies it has always relied on.

The latest?  EDF is saying it will try to extend the life of the existing nuclear power stations.  Like Torness, which is actually quite a recent one (it came online in May 1988).  So we can look forward to even more sudden shutdowns of nuclear reactors, with neither the companies nor the government telling us it's happened.

And they say that wind power is unreliable!!  And it's "totally dependent on subsidies"!!  The kind of idiot who makes those remarks clearly isn't really living on planet Earth.

One of the newest batches of nimby fools who claim to have made their home on planet Earth but really occupy a small corner of cloud-cuckoo-land call themselves FRAWT.  They're based in the Vale of Feldon, South Warwickshire, close to the proposed site of five turbines.  Naturally, without having the foggiest idea what they're on about, they're opposed to the turbines.

Why?  Because they live in "Shakespeare Country"!  Actually, they don't.  Shakespeare's country was Arden, on the other side of the River Avon.  Just because Shakespeare travelled through an area doesn't make it "Shakespeare Country".  And besides, who are these ignorant drones to suggest that Shakespeare would have been opposed to wind turbines?  Or that a landscape loosely connected with William Shakespeare should be preserved exactly as it is in the early 21st century (nearly four hundred years after Shakespeare's death) with no development of any kind whatsoever, except for the ungainly houses built by people who've just moved to the area and are now trying to stop anything else from happening.

The FRAWT website is yer typical nimby whinge - the usual mindless guff about bats' lungs exploding near turbines (has that ever happened in the UK?  No.)  There is a reference to a "paper" published by Dr Carl V. Phillips about the quote-serious health problems-unquote connected with wind turbines, but no mention of the fact that Dr Carl V. Phillips was dismissed from his university post for publishing lies on behalf of the tobacco industry (the same tricks deployed by the tobacco industry in the past are now used by climate sceptic and anti-renewables groups in order to mislead people over issues that are much more serious than smoking).

One very interesting deviation from the truth on the FRAWT website concerns house prices.  In the past, nimby groups like the woefully dishonest and aggressive VVASP misquoted a 2007 RICS-sponsored study of windfarms and house prices in order to give the false impression that a windfarm can knock 54% off the value of your home.  But that lie will no longer fly, because the report actually revealed that there was no evidence of windfarms impacting on house prices.  So how have FRAWT dealt with this hiccup?

FRAWT have the audacity (and dishonesty) to make the claim that the 2007 report, commissioned by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and carried out by academics from Salford University, "has been shown to be flawed by many".  That is not true.  However, FRAWT also claims to have a "library of correspondence from estate agents" and others which, surprise-surprise, supports their prejudices, even though ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE EXISTS FROM ANYWHERE to show that windfarms harm the local propert market - except where the nimbies are causing trouble and driving prospective buyers away!

So - in the weird and whacky world of FRAWT ("Next-door to Shakespeare Country"), the scientific approach  to evidence gathering is "flawed".  Unsupported anecdotal evidence is the new "fact".

No surprise, either, to find that, according to the liars of FRAWT, the government's established guidelines on windfarms and noise - ETSU-R-97 - is also "a thoroughly flawed document".  Do we reckon they've been talking to the Incredible Stigwood, who never fails to object to a windfarm and hates ETSU-R-97 because it works and contradicts all his bonkers theories?  Maybe.  More likely, FRAWT are throwing their astonishing lack of expertise into the ring, making claims they can't back up about things they simply don't understand.  Or, as we call it in the field, LYING.

Like their LIE about "Most countries (except the UK)" having a "2KM 'set-back' distance from houses".  Absolute drivel.  Totally wrong.  Another stinking nimby lie.  Probably raided from the dishonest websites of a dozen other identikit nimby groups.  They all trade lies.

It would be worth mentioning the rising global costs of imported fossil fuels, the soaring costs of new nuclear, and the tendency of nuclear reactors to be shutdown without a moment's notice.  That might offset their thoroughly misleading chart about the relative "efficiency" of wind power.  Indeed, the very fact that they dare to refer to "efficiency" in such a context just goes to show what a bunch of ignorant duffers they are.

Or we could point to the many national surveys which have consistently shown that the clear majority of Britons support wind power.  41% of those polled recently by YouGov are even interested in generating their own renewable energy.  That means that about four times as many people want their own wind turbines or solar panels than are opposed to all wind turbines full-stop.  71% of consumers are worried that MORE THAN FIFTY PER CENT OF THE FOSSIL FUELS USED TO GENERATE OUR ELECTRICITY ARE IMPORTED FROM OVERSEAS.  That includes nuclear material - which is a fossil fuel - and explains why our energy bills are rising (the liars at FRAWT are trying, as usual, to blame the fuel bill rises on renewables: yet more evidence of how thick/deluded/dishonest they are).  If we as a nation want to be more self-sufficient in energy terms, we have no choice but to cut back on polluting coal, expensive gas, and expensive, dangerous and unreliable nuclear.

After all, if Spain can now get up to 60% of its electricity from wind power, why can't we?  Given that we import more fuel than the rest of Europe, where every citizen is currently paying more than 700 euros for fuel imports, why can't we harness the abundance of wind and wave power that is all around us and save ourselves a packet?

Why should we in the UK miss out on the long term economic growth that is being stimulated by renewables everywhere?  Just because a few selfish fools who happen to live several miles from Shakespeare Country don't want a few turbines in the area?  Why must our economy shrink, our fuel bills rise, our energy security be sacrificed and our lights go out just to pander to a tiny minority of proven liars?  Why must we let these idiots pretend that there isn't a climate crisis happening RIGHT NOW, just because they're stupid enough to think they own the view of somewhere that's Not Quite Shakespeare Country?

Shall we let you in on an open secret?  Nimby maniacs like the frauds of FRAWT know absolutely nothing at all about windfarms.  They were offered the chance to be taken on a visit to the Low Spinney windfarm in Leicestershire.  But they refused to go.  Why?

Because if they found out what a genuine working windfarm is actually like, they could NEVER justify their blinkered, ridiculous, deceitful, misguided opposition to such a perfectly reasonable, harmless, beneficial and vital development.  To maintain the poisonous fictions they have been ramming down their neighbour's throats and hurling, sputum-flecked, at their local councillors, the FRAWT fools have no choice but to preserve their blissless ignorance.  If they had gone on the Low Spinney visit, all they would have heard was their fellow passengers wondering what all the fuss was about.

The only option for the head-in-the-sand, right-wing bilge-spouting nimby is enforced ignorance, it seems.  As their atrocious websites repeatedly prove.  Perish the thought that a diehard nimby of the FRAWT variety would ever consent to visit a windfarm while normal people are around.  What good could that possibly do for their outrageously self-serving bigotry?

So - another group of nimby nobheads to add to the list. The wind blows, but nimbies just suck.  FRAWT has joined the nimby Hall of Infamy, traitors to their nation and their planet (Earth, that is, not the bizarre planet Pseudo that the FRAWTSTERS are their like inhabit).

Thursday, May 17, 2012


In these times of economic uncertainty, it's reassuring to know that renewables are bucking the trend.

The accountancy firm KPMG seems to have recovered from its little embarrassment recently, when it somehow allowed some raging anti-renewables zombies to write a report, which the firm then had to disown when it was leaked up - where else? - the Daily Torygraph.

KMPG have now announced that private equity investors and infrastructure funds are gearing up for big investments in renewables, with more than 70% of the 500 senior executives polled indicating that they were particularly attracted to hydro-electric, onshore wind and solar PV investments, seeing them as safe havens for long term money.

Given that we now know that Britain's onshore windfarms were worth £548 million to the UK economy last year, supported 8,600 jobs and brought millions of pounds to their local communities while achieving record levels of electricity generation with no hazardous waste or emissions, it can only be good news that serious investors are beginning to recognise the long term financial (as well as environmental) benefits of wind power.

Let's compare that with the unhappy state of the nuclear industry.  Even the most nuclear-friendly of the companies lined up to realise the coalition government's weird dream of ten new nuclear facilities is losing its bottle: EDF has delayed work on its Hinkley Point site, although it has already bulldozed hundreds of acres and various sites of historical and scientific interest in preparation for a plant it doesn't even have planning permission for yet.  So, when some duffus at CPRE pipes up about the "bullying" behaviour of wind power companies (a case of nimby projection, if ever there was one), we should point out who the real bullies are: 1) the nimbies, 2) nuclear power companies.

Anyway, the consensus is building - nuclear power is just too expensive.  Private investors are leaving it in droves.  RWEnpower, EON UK and Scottish and Southern Electricity have already pulled out of the nuclear power plans.  GDFSuez and Centrica have been dropping heavy hints that they will too.  EDF is pressurising the UK government for massive levels of financial support, above and beyond what nuclear already receives.

Again, we find the anti-wind nimbies talking absolute rot and deliberately misleading themselves and everybody else about subsidies.  Wind power doesn't get subsidies.  It gets a top-up from the utility companies, which amounted last year to less than £5 of the average annual energy bill - or roughly 2p per day for the average household.

If the nuclear power companies were to persuade the government to subsidise the colossal costs of building, maintaining and operating the proposed ten new power stations, it would cost the taxpayer about £12 billion a year for the next thirty years (another interesting point: nimbies mock wind turbines for having an optimum operational lifespan of 25 years.  What's the lifespan of a nuclear power station?  30-40 years.  Ever get the feeling you've been had?).

These massive subsidies - on the same scale as what we pay for policing every year - would not mean cheaper electricity for the consumer.  Indeed, one of the big problems nuclear has is that fifty years ago it was promising "electricity too cheap to meter".  Now, it can only try to sell us electricity that's too expensive to generate.  The City wants nothing to do with nuclear, and countries all over the world are abandoning it as a ludicrously expensive, dangerous, unreliable nightmare.

Another anomaly, then: most nimbies, we're sure you'll agree, belong to the economically liberal, free-market-loving right-wing of politics.  They slam the so-called subsidies for wind power as a terrible kind of socialism, conveniently forgetting the massive, real subsidies paid by the taxpayer to the fossil fuels and nuclear industries.  The more hard-of-thinking nimbies protest that wind energy firms are "motivated solely by profit" - which is a pretty odd argument, when you come to think about it.  After all, aren't gas companies, nuclear operators and coal-fired power stations motivated pretty much entirely by profit?

But the fact is that now, the market is speaking.  And its message is very clear indeed.  Nuclear (without monumental government subsidies) is a bad investment.  No hope of any kind of return for years, and a bit embarrassing when you have to let the taxpayer cover the costs of decommissioning or any horrendous nuclear accident.  Renewables, however, are a very good investment.  Even with the so-called subsidies (ROC) for wind power falling, wind guarantees a healthy return from day one.  Once the nimbies have done with their preposterous posturing and sick campaigns of lies and misinformation, a windfarm can be safely installed relatively quickly, and be generating power for the grid in next to no time and at relatively little cost.

Does this mean that our nimby friends will suddenly lose their affection for the free market?  Or will they finally have to confess that, like everything else in their lives, they'll impose it on others but oppose it themselves?

Want to hear the voice of business on this issue?  Check out this BBC video of Dragon's Den stalwart, Deborah Meaden:

Meanwhile, two more bits of good news.

When a complete idiot on a Berkshire council proposed a fanatically stupid anti-windfarm motion, which included the thoroughly braindead nimby claim that wind turbines "just do not work", Maidenhead Friends of the Earth got to hear about it.  They emailed this useful factsheet - - to every councillor.  Presented with some genuine information, as opposed to the usual slagheap of fatuous nimby lies, the councillors narrowly defeated the insane motion.  Well done, Maidenhead Friends of the Earth!!

And in Spain last month, wind power broke a new record, generating 317 gigawatt hours of electricity on 18 April.  The following morning, wind power alone was responsible for covering 61.06% of Spain's electricity demand.

Amazing what you can do when you shut the nimbies up and get on with a sensible and beneficial investment!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Only last week, Tim Yeo, the Conservative chair of the Commons energy committee and the Renewable Energy Association, told the UK Energy Summit (organised by The Economist) that there could be no further delays on taking vital decisions needed to build windfarms (oh, and nuclear plants).

He argued that dithering ministers and weak civil servants were risking the lights going out in Britain.  Unless the government got to grips with the issue, the UK could fail to attract the £200 billion of new investment needed to upgrade old energy infrastructure.

Just a couple of days later, the Department for Energy and Climate Change released a report, comissioned by the DECC and RenewableUK, which revealed that onshore windfarms brought £548 million into the UK's economy and supported almost 9,000 jobs in 2011.  The report also revealed that each megawatt of installed onshore wind energy capacity contributes £700,000 to the UK's gross domestic product.  More than £100,000 of that stays in the Local Authority area.

Fantastic news - and that amazing contribution to both jobs and the economy, local and national, from wind power is set to grow over the next few years, reaching about £780 million (and 11,600 jobs) by 2020.  Best of all, a significant amount of the economic benefit stays local!  So, whenever a nimby dimwit tells you that windfarms bring no local benefits, ignore them: they're either lying, or stupid, or both.

But Tim Yeo was right.  The coalition government has been dragging its feet rather over the crucial matter of securing future energy security while reducing our carbon emissions.  The government is committed to keeping energy prices to the consumer down.  It has also insisted that there will be no public subsidies available for nuclear (apart from the "hidden" subsidies we already know about).  Unfortunately, the Reuters news agency has just reported that "UK Nuclear Build Requires Taxpayer Rescue".  The Times reported on Monday that French nuclear conglomerate EDF has raised the projected cost of building a new power station from £4.5 to £7 billion.  A City analyst has stated that, "If the cost figures are true, new nuclear plants in the UK are not commercially viable."

We've pointed this out before.  As Japan has shut down the last of its 54 reactors (and the UN demands action on the terrifyingly dangerous state of the Fukushima Daiichi Reactor No. 4 - you thought you'd heard the last of Fukushima?  Well, you haven't), and France and the United States have admitted that nuclear does not make financial sense, the new figures released for the UK indicate that nuclear will be the most expensive form of electricity generation available - more expensive, even, than offshore wind.

Amazing!  The nimby idiots who have done so much to hold Britain back love to shriek and shout that wind energy is entirely dependent on "subsidies" (although they can't actually explain what these "subsidies" are) and that onshore wind is "too expensive".  In fact, nuclear is entirely dependent on subsidies - REAL subsidies - and is way too expensive.  And another thing.  Wind power doesn't leave you with 100,000 years worth of hazardous waste to worry about.  Doesn't poison the land and the ocean, either (nuclear does).

So - Tim Yeo: right about wind, in that the government really does have to do something about the Nazis on its backbenches who like to spout lies about wind power; not so right, it seems, about new nuclear, which will only go ahead if the British taxpayer agrees to underwrite the costs.  Want the most expensive electricity going?  No?  Then you have to accept wind, which is - or very soon will be - the cheapest.

But last week saw the local elections, and a drubbing for the Conservatives and their Liberal Democrat coalition partners.  And, whaddya know, the maniacs of the hard-right immediately starting banging their drum and throwing their toys out of the pram.

With so many polls and surveys indicating that the clear majority of Britons support wind power (more, surprisingly, in country areas than in the cities), and with the government's own figures showing the huge contribution made to our ailing economy and jobs market by wind power, you'd like to think that anyone who cares at all about Britain would say, "Heaven's above!  We must have more wind!  It's so clean, so cheap, so quick to implement, so cost-competitive, so low-carbon, so good for jobs and investment, doesn't scare the horses and tourists, and if anything tends to have a positive effect on the local property market, as well as bringing money into the local economy, and it doesn't kill birds.  What could be better?  It's a win-win no-brainer!  Bring on the windfarms!"

Tory backbenchers, however, don't care about Britain.  They want to stop all this "green" nonsense in its tracks.  They're following the woeful lead established by UKIP - an openly racist, sexist, homophobic, far-right political party: basically, the BNP in smarter suits.  Nutters who think that the Conservative Party is "too liberal" have a nasty habit of voting UKIP, just to show what nutters they are.

UKIP is the natural home of the sort of right-wing thug who opposes wind energy on "principle".  UKIP harbours loonies, like the UKIP representative who actually said that fossil fuels are "renewable" (yes, it's true: Steve Reed really does believe that "oil-wells do refill"), who believe that Global Warming is a con designed (by the EU, of course) to enslave us all, and that "Taking energy from winds and tides irreversibly enervates the weather system and slows the rotation of the Earth." (quotes taken from the Yorkshire Post, 5 August 2004).

Incredible.  It's almost impossible to believe that anybody could be that daft.  But UKIP and its followers are.  If you hear anything along the lines of "Global Warming is just a conspiracy invented by legions of careerists hungry for UN- and EU-grants", or that windfarms stop the Earth from turning, or that fossil fuels are actually the real renewables, then you've got a UKIP lunatic in your midst.

And it's not just in the UK that the far-right are trying to combat, not climate change itself, but the very notion of climate change.  In America, well-funded conservative think-tanks are pulling every string they can in order to spread confusion and misunderstanding about climate science.  Check out this link:

On either side of the Atlantic, then, we see a similar pattern: the extreme right-wing, be that the Tea Party, UKIP, or 101 oddballs on the Tory backbenches, are determined to deprive the majority of what is urgently required and devoutly to be wished - clean, green, inexpensive, renewable energy.  In order to persuade the majority that they don't want this desirable and necessary future, they must spread vile and vicious lies.  All this, for what?  The oil industry.  The nuclear industry.  The fanatical, crazy ideas of right-wing fanatics.

This just shows why CPRE were so wildly off-target when they claimed (amidst the familiar welter of falsehoods about windfarms) that "communities" feel threatened by wind energy developers.  No evidence has yet come to light of a wind energy developer threatening anybody.  The people who do all the threatening are the deranged, demented, self-centred, misinformed and thuggish nimby monsters.  Not the community (many of whom will be all in favour of wind power) but a loud-mouthed, unprincipled, egotistical few.  The very people, in fact, who are a danger to their community, because they insist on putting their own interests ahead of everybody else's, and are happy to lie their heads off to their neighbours if it will terrify them into voting against their own best interests.

Get a grip, CPRE!  Ask yourselves this: how many mainstream political parties in the UK are anti-wind, anti-renewables, anti-green?  And then ask yourselves - who are the people in your midst who are forcing YOU to adopt an obstructive and misjudged opposition to wind energy in Britain?  Is it the UKIP types, perchance?  A small, and actually quite mental, minority who routinely spout gibberish about things they don't understand?  The tin-pot little dictators of Middle England?  Probably.

Normal people do not oppose wind power.  Only the crazed fanatics of the far-right do.

The worry is that the Conservative Party, under pressure from its more doo-lally backbenchers, will try to attract the UKIP vote by lurching to the far right.  It'll lead to electoral oblivion, but it will also be bad for Britain.  Bad for the economy, bad for jobs ... in short, a short-cut to the lights going out.

David Cameron promised "the greenest government ever".  We're still waiting - and if the nastier members of the nasty party have any say in the matter, it won't happen.

And so the vast majority of Britons will be let down, betrayed, sold short, just to appease the maniacs of the right-wing press and the Nazi nutters in our midst.  Rather like those local authorities who cave in to pressure from the nimby cretins and thereby make sure that they, and everybody else, loses out.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Here's the problem: a tiny, unrepresentative, undemocratic minority of extremists are actively seeking to subvert Britain's energy policy, to overturn the vital, international drive towards sustainability (in the UK, at least), to see Britain falling behind the rest of the world in the growing green economy, to create more pollution, more greenhouse gas emissions, to force up energy bills and to deny our children the right to a clean environment and low-cost green energy.  Why are they doing this? 

Because they're fanatics.

Their current targets are those national organisations which have so far been, if not actively in favour of wind energy developments, at least relatively open-minded about them.  So, keep an eye on the British Horse Society, which has been pretty sensible where windfarms are concerned.  Idiots who haven't ridden a horse in years routinely object to windfarm proposals on the shabby grounds that they might scare the horses (how - if windfarms are as "noisy" as the nimbies like to make out?  Do they really expect us to believe that these "noisy" windfarms deliberately go quiet when a horse is approaching, only to start making a noise and sending "shadow flicker" - a phenomenon that no nimby seems, or tries, to understand - just when the horse is at its most vulnerable?  Is that what the numbskulls think?).

The British Horse Society has so far been pretty good at pointing out that many people ride horses near windfarms without courting disaster.  The first real windfarm in Britain was built by a stud-farm, and those horses all survived.  That particular windfarm in Cornwall has now been upgraded (the locals voted for larger new turbines to replace the existing ones).  It would surely be more realistic of the horse brigade to worry more about things that pose a genuine threat to horses - like the Grand National - rather than making up a load of horse-sh*t about windfarms.  But, sadly, the British Horse Society is coming under pressure, it would seem, from its more intolerant, aggressive, Daily Mail reader types, and might be forced by that vicious minority to start making stupid anti-windfarm statements before long.

That, certainly, is what has happened at CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England).  Previously very sensible on the matter of windfarms - recognising, for example, that the real threat to the English countryside is posed by climate change - CPRE has had a collective fit and allowed the harrumphing brigade of mindless nimbies in its midst to run riot.

In a press release, CPRE demanded that the government publish a wind energy strategy, dictating precisely how many wind turbines there will be in England and where they will be built.  The CPRE press release is a masterclass in nimby gibberish.

They have a "tranquillity map of England".  Possibly, one of the silliest maps ever created.  And, drawing an inference that no rational person could draw, CPRE are claiming that windfarms will jeopardise the "tranquillity" that CPRE has gone to the trouble of mapping (incidentally, has anyone got any idea how CPRE mapped England's "tranquillity"?  Was there even a trace of science involved?)

Given the strict noise conditions imposed on windfarms, and the requirement of windfarm operators to ensure that their turbines barely exceed the level of ordinary background noise - and that at the nearest residential amenity to the windfarm - it is quite obvious that someone at CPRE has got their knickers in a twist over nothing, here.  In fact, if you want to preserve the elusive "tranquillity" of the English countryside, you'd be best advised to support many more windfarms.  Where a windfarm is built, you won't get a major housing development, for example (which would be considerably noisier than a windfarm).

As if to show that CPRE is talking out of its corporate bottom - and doing so in the strangulated tones of a nimby idiot - the press release bends over backwards to present wind turbines as an "industrial" thing.  This is a favourite trick of the nimby Nazis.  Imagine how they'd react if something genuinely industrial was proposed!!  But by misusing language in order to promote the illusion that windfarms are "industrial" and a threat to the "tranquillity" of rural England, CPRE are letting their nimby slip show.  Or, to put it another way, they have thrown objectivity, science, rationality and the national need out of the window.  They decided to go down the deadend road of nimby nonsense by fantasising about an England in which every rural area is "tranquil" - no farming going on, we hope to God, 'cos it's bloody noisy and pretty filthy too - and all landscapes are "unspoilt" (yeah, as if) and renewable energy projects are "industrial".

You'd have to be bonkers to believe any of that.  Nimbies do, because they're bonkers.  But we have a right to expect better of CPRE.  We also have a right to expect that those who claim to run such organisations should restrain the swivel-eyed nimby liars rather than pander to their looney-tunes ideas.

Here's where CPRE leap right off the deep end into nimby paranoia: "Communities feel increasingly powerless in the face of speculative applications from big, well-funded developers, and this risks undermining public support for the measures needed to tackle climate change."

Shall we number the idiocies in that brief statement?  Yes, let's.  So, working backwards:

1) Nimbies don't give a damn about climate change.  These are the same nutters who complained about recycling and moaned about longlife, low-energy lightbulbs; the same boneheads who kicked up a stink about different coloured wheelie-bins.  They will happily delude themselves into believing that climate change isn't happening, if it means they can avoid personally having to do anything about it.  Most nimbies are right-wing nutters with a poor grasp of reality, and to them "climate change" is some vague socialist conspiracy.  They couldn't care less about climate change or doing anything about it.

2) CPRE seem to be saying that, in order not to undermine public support for the measures to tackle climate change, we should avoid taking any measures to tackle climate change, such as approving windfarms.  After all, it's easy to support something which we know will never happen and won't demand anything at all from us - any wild-eyed nimby whacko can do that!  Besides which, the public - it has been shown time and time again - tend to approve of windfarms when they've got used to them, which happens pretty quickly when one has been built (the only exceptions being those hardened, sclerotic, myopic terrors who insist that they were right about wind turbines all along, even when everybody else has admitted that they're actually okay, or those poor fools duped by their nimby neighbours into believing that they can really hear a distant windfarm, when they can't).  But CPRE seems to be saying that the best way to maintain public support for anti-climate change measures is not to implement any of those measures.  Which is pretty mad.

3) How many windfarm developers go in for "speculative" planning applications?  Does CPRE really think that windfarm developers treat it as some sort of game?  It takes YEARS to process a planning application for a windfarm.  There are dozens of hoops to be jumped through, all manner of surveys, studies, consultations.  It's an expensive, time-consuming activity.  CPRE has proven that it has stopped listening to common sense and is now only listening to the barking nimbies if it thinks that windfarm developers happily waste their time and everybody else's with "speculative" planning applications.

4) Not all windfarm developers are "big" and "well-funded".  Many are relatively small, community-funded enterprises.  CPRE presumably doesn't like these either.  Why?  Because CPRE has not thought things through.  It has just leapt willy-nilly on the nimby bandwagon and will be contradicting itself for evermore, or until it wakes out of its nimby coma.

5) Considerably less than half of all windfarms proposed in England receive planning consent, and that often after a planning inquiry and various foolish legal manoeuvres by the cretins of Middle Earth (sorry, Middle England).  The idea that "communities" are powerless in the face of windfarm developers is a nimby myth, pure and simple.  Many, many cases have come to light of aggressive, dishonest and misinformed nimby campaigns causing havoc with the planning system and holding Britain back.  The real people who are powerless in all this are the supporters of wind energy who refuse to stoop to the depths to which the nimbies are only too happy to stoop.  The supporters of wind power get bullied and threatened and abused by the vicious nimby crew - the very nimbies who claim to feel "powerless".  Sorry, but CPRE have completely lost the plot if they think that the seriously delusional, thuggish and mendacious types who drive nimby campaigns are "powerless" in any way; in fact, CPRE has fallen prey to the very self-serving propaganda issued by the nimbies themselves.

6) "Communities" are not the issue here.  The problem tends to be newcomers to a rural area, and a handful of retired bigots, who band together to fight anything and everything.  Sometimes, it happens to be a windfarm proposal that falls foul of these extremists.  But it can be anything.  These terrorists whip up as much frenzy, fear and loathing as they can, splitting and harming their communities in the process.  If CPRE were honest, they'd leave "communities" out of this.  But they've fallen for another of the nimby lies - that the "community" is against something (which it doesn't understand, and has been repeatedly lied to about by the hoodlums in their midst).  In fact, the real community stands to gain - economically and environmentally - from having a windfarm nearby, and the community proper is usually not-all-that-bothered about having one.  It is the crazed despots of the nimby movement, and them alone, who cause all the trouble, and they do not represent the real community, no matter how much they like to convince themselves that they do.

Here's some proof.  A recent Ipsos Mori poll found that 68% of rural residents want more wind power.  That's more than the city-dwellers, 66% of whom want more wind energy.  It's close, but the difference is also telling.  It shows that more than two-thirds of people living in rural England want to see more windfarms.  So what the flock are CPRE on about, with their gibberish about "communities"?  Most people living in the countryside support wind power.  Only a demented few are actively opposed to it.

Does CPRE only represent the demented few, now?  The newcomers, who moved to an "exclusive" rural area and won't allow anyone to do anything there, anymore, ever again?  The Telegraph-reading twits and Daily Mail monsters?  The sort who complain about sheep and church bells ruining their new-found rural "tranquillity"?  The selfish, deluded, right-wing maniac brigade?  Is that who CPRE now represents?

It comes to something when Charles, Prince of Wales, expresses support for wind power (in a new film, Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World, screened at the Sundance Film Festival), while a body like CPRE sides with a self-serving nutcase like Donald Trump.  Prince Charles provided the narration for the film Harmony.  He praises Germany for leading the way in wind energy technology and says:

I recently flew over the German countryside where ancient buildings and castles now merge into a new landscape dotted with solar panels and wind turbines.  I certainly support the commitment to working with nature's freely-given forms and clean energy.

So, too, do the clear majority (9 out of 10, in the case of all renewables) of English people.  The same proportion of English folk and Scots - roughly 7 out of 10 - support wind energy.  They have realised that the "new landscape" described by Prince Charles in Germany is the landscape of the future.  Ancient buildings and castles belong to it, too.

Unless you're the daffy old CPRE, which has had a collective breakdown and thinks that the only things allowed in the landscape are ancient buildings and castles.  You know - the very sort of thing yer average nimby thinks.  Once they've built their own monstrosity in the midst of the "unspoilt" countryside, that is.